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>> No.16407225 [View]
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Pneumatics: less than 15 psi is useless for most applications, relies on LSD for knowledge of God, at all other times mentally indistinguishable from the mushrooms they consume.
Psychics: tarot cards and astronomy, relies on occult woo for their knowledge of God. Believes the mind can know things about God without experience or revelation.
Hylics: we have the coolest name and rely on faith for our knowledge of God. Revelation is the only path to knowledge of God since we lack experience.

>> No.15106628 [View]
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Well, I tried to get into the arrogant moralizing, but it backfired with the aforesaid consequences. I was willing to go along with it because I had little wit, therefore I was willing to believe that humanity just got it all wrong (it seems plausible enough), so if I could get it right then I'd get to see God face to face, and all my sinful habits would go away, and maybe I'd be reviled, but I would have everlasting treasure. I was a bit of a tradcath zoomer for a while, but I kept it to myself because I wasn't quite sure and I've always been discreet. When I actually saw God for myself, the whole edifice of religion crumbled and I barely picked up the scriptures for a few months thereafter, but I ended up relearning it all very quickly.

Overall though, I wouldn't say that I learned nothing. Outwardly I learned nothing that's true, but inwardly I gained the costly pearl of the Holy Scriptures. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46. My life is much much better now that I know the secret of living like a ghost, as St Paul says in Colossians 3:3, dead and hid in Christ. I'm a much happier person now that all my illusions have been killed by God's grace.

>> No.14942822 [View]
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Yes, it was a feeling of profound insignificance before a glowing orb like the sun, it was a waking dream, but it seemed to share similarities to that light people see on the edge of death. And if you turn to look the other way there is an infinite black cavern that can only be hell. This vision of the light returned recently when I was afraid of coronavirus, but without the corresponding vision of hell. It helped me be circumspect about the possibility of dying.

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