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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9579487 [View]
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>at work with nothing to do
>start reading Nicholas Nickleby
>find it awful and so damn boring

Jesus Christ, how can an author and book be so overrated? It's like the emperor's new clothes.

And people claim you have to read boring old books or else you're a pleb.

>> No.9561370 [DELETED]  [View]
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>living on my own in London
>26 years old, have my first real job (a respectable first one) after university, never had attention from women ever, never done anything with them except for prositutes, have had zero social experiences or friends since 18
>decide to go outside during Saturday night just to feel less alone
>go walking in a trendy youth oriented place in the city of London
>see lots of young and attractive people enjoying their youths while I'm on my own
>walk past two women
>as I'm walking past I hear one of them say "Look at the nose on that fucker"
>I'm an ugly and big (middle eastern) nosed person with glasses

I'm being 100 % honest when I say I didn't feel sad at all about the insult itself, I just feel sad that it confirmed that everything behind and in front of me is a void of zero enjoyment. Why even bother when being an ugly male (and yes, I am 6' and lift a lot of weights) is like fighting to get out of the bottom of a giant scrapheap? Not being a normie is a social death sentence.

And I don't mean anything political by this, but it's like there was the double insult of being insulted in an area with lots of progressive graffiti. You can be accepted if you're anything, just as long as you're not genetic shit.

During day time it's sunny as fuck and I have a permanent feeling of not fitting in. During night time it's not even a feeling, it's flashing everywhere right in front of my face.

It really does feel like everything is a scam. Whether expressed in Dostoevsky or Dickens or a corporation's advert, it all feels the same.

>> No.9494652 [View]
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>go walking as a tourist
>go to the train station next to University College London's buildings and walk from there to kings cross station

It's sickening to compare my shitty time at university with that incredible looking place. It was like I walked on to a tv show. It was swarming with qts and I didn't even go in to the quad bits. Although I know that if I went there I would simply be a loser in a more tortuous environment.

And I saw the Harry potter tourist spot. There was a line at 8 pm

>> No.9418910 [View]
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How has it been possible for me to spend the past 2 years wasting all of my free time on the internet, procrastinating giving up junk food and coffee, and procrastinating starting learning programming (or anything Intellectual at all) all while having false optimism?

>> No.9397263 [View]
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>tfw everything is so unfulfilling
>tfw mindless consumerwhoredom, including reading, is boring and makes me feel pathetic but people say you have to read 90000001 books
>tfw have no ideals or goals
>tfw reading countless articles and reading books and watching videos just gives me the impression everyone is a fraud salesperson
>all the funny stuff in media is oblivious people skirting around blindingly obvious right wing truths
>tfw working is humiliating and boring- normies will always be given better jobs (and women better ones)- workplaces are an utterly rigged game

The ennui is crushing.

>> No.9387018 [DELETED]  [View]
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Do you read for enjoyment or to gain a smug sense of superiority or to avoid the risk of people calling you a pleb for not having read classics?

The third reason describes me. I would give up most books after 100 pages if I used my tastes.

>> No.9296099 [View]
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I just finished reading the brothers Karamazov for the first time. It was really an incredible book and maybe the most enjoyable one I've ever read.

The grand inquisitor chapter changed my mind about the existence of God. The earlier chapters were equally hilarious and educational about the nature of faith in a secular society. The later chapters had me gripped because the main characters were so fully fleshed out yet developing and having epiphanies on every page.

What did you love about the book? How many times have you read it? Seriously, every chapter could be expanded in to an entire book about either psychology or philosophy. It was that profound.

>> No.9243163 [DELETED]  [View]
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>graduated from university almost two years ago
>only have a retailcuck part time job
>have shitloads of free time
>addicted to driving around the city while browsing 4chan, drinking coffee, feeling sad about life, reading books
>tfw can't bear sitting at home because it would feel like I'm wasting my youth
>go home every evening feeling conned by society
>used to take the bus instead of driving but I still felt conned even though I went to the library and cinema
>while everyone else 25 or younger indulges in constant social media* / tinder / nights out / partying, I just watch my youth leave me without the motivation to become skilled at anything

*inb4 Facebook is bad. I've never used it but i assume that normies messing about on social media is much more pleasurable than a (You)

>> No.7920732 [DELETED]  [View]
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>tfw no one goes to tinychat lit anymore

You guys are the only friends I ever had

>> No.7124404 [View]
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What books made you a "worse" person?

I got bored after 60 pages but stirner really gave my laziness ammunition in the argument against productivity.

I read Antigragile by N Taleb and there was this section where he trash talks formal education which was kind of inspiring. But he's the sort of weirdo to find maths "fun and interesting" and I don't mean that sci way of watching YouTube videos - I mean actually doing and studying it (I didn't mess up my education to any significant extent though). He also rubbishes (I think) schedules / forcing yourself to do stuff. I was inspired but the guy's 50 something so he clearly can't relate to a zero will power person like me who has to force himself to do anything but internet browsing.

The manipulated man solidified my feelings that vagina makes the world go round, men are dumb slaves, women are all prostitutes etc.

I didn't read all of oblomov but it goes from NEET morality story to tenth rate romance. Goncharov obviously never foresaw Tinder / divorce / the real nature of women once they have freedom. Who will make the intellectual case against NEETdom now?

>> No.6854299 [View]
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>put down book
>maybe i should look for a gf
>make an okcupid account
>push browse
>harry potter and Netflix
>i'm a gamer
>zombies r awesome
>harry potter
>my kids come first ok Netflix 2nd lol
>lookin for a country boy that loves monster energy
>delete account
>open book again

>> No.6777561 [View]
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What books made you a "worse" person?

I got bored after 60 pages but stirner really gave my laziness ammunition in the argument against productivity.

I read Antigragile by N Taken and there was this section where he trash talks formal education which was kind of inspiring. But he's the sort of weirdo to find maths "fun and interesting" and I don't mean that sci way of watching YouTube videos - I mean actually doing and studying it (I didn't mess up my education to any significant extent though). He also rubbishes (I think) schedules / forcing yourself to do stuff. I was inspired but the guy's 50 something so he clearly can't relate to a zero will power person like me who has to force himself to do anything but internet browsing.

The manipulated man solidified my feelings that vagina makes the world go round, men are dumb slaves, women are all prostitutes etc.

I didn't read all of oblomov but it goes from NEET morality story to tenth rate romance. Goncharov obviously never foresaw Tinder / divorce / the real nature of women once they have freedom. Who will make the intellectual case against NEETdom now?

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