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>> No.18827738 [View]
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In Buddhism, also, the Islamic terminology of qalb (heart) and ruh (spirit) corresponds to the awakening of bodhichitta -- the compassionate awakened mind of enlightenment that desires to lead others to enlightenment. In Gurdjieff's terminology, qalb would be "higher emotional mind" (absolute compassion for oneself and others) and ruh "higher thinking mind" (being able to know and experience things that others don't know and experience), and associated with so-called "miracles", extrasensory perception, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and the like.

In Christianity, these would be called gifts of the Holy Spirit, and in Buddhism and Hinduism, siddhis (psychic abilities or extraordinary powers attained through enlightenment, in Yoga Vedanta through union with Brahman). So from a Buddhist and Hindu point of view, Christ was someone who had attained siddhis through his enlightenment. This is the universal, trans-religious view promoted, for instance, by the Sarmouni Sufis mentioned in O.M. Burke's "Among the Dervishes", the Sarmounis being a sect Gurdjieff supposedly learned from and references in his second book, "Meetings With Remarkable Men." Of the Sarmounis in MWRM, Gurdjieff says this:

>As we later ascertained, among the adepts of this monastery there were former Christians, Jews, Mohammedans, Buddhists, Lamaists, and even one Shamanist. All were united by God the Truth.

Probably filtered most people with all this babble, no? But in BTTHG (Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson), the whole book is precisely about Beelzebub flying about in a spaceship and talking to his grandson, Hassein, about the stupid subhuman Earthlings and their history, and the (mostly failed) attempts of messengers and prophets like the Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, Padmasambhava (founder of Tibetan Buddhism), Krishna, etc., to awaken them. This is turning very New Age-y, and also probably blowing/frying the mind-circuits of NPCs and normies too much, because they don't want to talk about History-Channel-style stuff about ancient aliens, and even aliens possibly monitoring humanity today, and possibly even some people being telepathically contacted by aliens, as Robert Anton Wilson thought he had experienced and wrote about in his "Cosmic Trigger." This is also the gist of PKD's experiences he wrote about in VALIS.

Am I a conman, charlatan, schizo, or something else entirely? Eh? Your eyebrows are raised? Food for thought.

>> No.18173151 [View]
File: 23 KB, 311x410, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he the GOAT sci-fi writer?

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