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>> No.12684009 [View]
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*blocks your path*

>> No.12291588 [View]
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How should a man cope with his genetic inferiority? Are more spiritually sensitive males evolutionary regressions, or leaps forward and the rest of the species hasn't caught up yet?

>> No.11687580 [View]
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Were there any great pessimists of antiquity? Why does it seem that as time goes on humanity becomes more and more sickened by the world and itself? Like how Plotinus introduces gnostic elements into Plato's system that weren't there before, to say nothing of 20th century thought. Is it the cities? Modern life? The backlog of history, with all its bloodshed and tragedy? Where does what Evola calls the modern "traumatization of being" come from? Why are we so cynical?

>> No.11591032 [View]
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Was the Fall a necessary part of God's plan?

>> No.11437595 [View]
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>tfw the goal of all mystical traditions is liberation from the rounds of earthly existence

how is it that the only reality we get can be so shitty? all these systems are about escape, flight, release, transcendence, overcoming, negation, moksha...

is this why so many pantheons are haunted by the specter of patricide? this dissatisfaction, sometimes bordering on murderous hatred, of what has come before, the brute given? isn't the entire motor of western progress nothing but this pining for 'something more', finally realized with technology? it's all so tiresome

>> No.11375431 [View]
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>well, i'm glad that i'm not the only one who feels that way. it does feel kind of weird to say it, sometimes, like your brain is just this empty dish. but honestly that's how it feels. and if nothing else it does kind of predispose you to a kind of greater charity towards others (and more suspicion towards yourself). it's not good to be too hard-headed about things.

no i know exactly what you're talking about. used to feel i was going through some impressionable intellectual teenage phase in my fucking 20s, like i was just an input-output machine, input a few brilliant articles and the output's my regurgitation of it on a Mongolian snowboarding forum.

and a lot of my posting on /lit/ is a kind of way to convince myself that okay, im not a genius, that ship has fucking sailed, but i at least know what the fuck im talking about and im not just sitting around slack-jawed at anti-oedipus or w/e. and it's worked out. a worldview has coalesced out of the chaos. here's how I think of it now: we have the built-in resonance chambers, as it were, that a lot of these guys were writing for. this stuff just clicks with us because on the same wavelength they were. it breaks my heart i cant contribute to this conversation the way these guys have, but at least ill be on the sidelines cheering them on. small solaces. i find that mediocrity is all about hoarding small solaces like this, but at least i know it and that's what makes it bearable. but w/e i don't wanna blog.

>that the organic is only the inorganic's way of assembling itself into technology.

great stuff.

>the greater the sense you have of actually needing to be human with your fellow humans

yeah the more you study and the more you understand the horrible gaping void yadda yadda yadda under your feet the more important love and beauty and goodness becomes. there isn't an argument on earth that could convince me love in the void isn't a miracle. you just kinda snap out of the matrix that's got everyone else by the balls and learn to kinda love them almost for their actuality, that they are and not for what they are (to you, as a fuckhole, as a boss, as a friend, etc.). and i think this is how christ loved people. kinda loving them as if you weren't caught up in the same game as everyone else, as if you weren't born in this world alongside them. hatred and revulsion is only ever an effect of embodiment. fire burns because the body burns.

but im not saying im christ, fuck no. but the few times this feeling has completely enveloped me have been incredible, and you kinda get a sense of what the mystics mean by spiritual death, the cojones to go into this void and release yourself from everything that keeps you snapped in the darwinian-fuck-you-got-mine mode.

but that's all i wanted to say. glad you got it, as always

>> No.11343429 [View]
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The Book of Job

>> No.11266034 [View]
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Is Schopenhauer right to say suffering massively outweighs happiness in this universe? is it all so much worse than we can ever imagine?

>> No.11263487 [View]
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Nothing loves us.

>> No.11242735 [View]
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This is a good world.
The war has failed.
God shall not forget us.
Who made the snow waits where love is.

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