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>> No.22050301 [View]
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To add, this is exactly what the American right has been doing.

In 2015 in Obergefell v. Hodges the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, representing the end of the Republican party's failed war on gay marriage, that had become increasingly unpopular with the advancement of the gay rights movement, and eventually resulted in the decision. As a result, Republicans shifted to a smaller minority to direct their hate to serve as a proxy battle and to feed the fear-mongering their party relies upon to exist.

In November 2015 one of the first "bathroom bills" was introduced when Houstin voters repealed the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, which banned discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations on the basis of numerous identities, including sex, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, and most notably, gender identity and sexual orientation. Trans-hate and anti-trans legislation continued for a few years, but has begun to explode starting in 2020: https://translegislation.com/learn

The anti-trans movement was entirely manufactured to keep weak, fearful minds politically active and controlled: it's a psyop.

We're now at the genocide stage of this fascist progression. And of course it isn't going to stop at just LGBTQ people, or mentally ill people: it's going to be anyone in America who isn't a white Christian supremacist nationalist; anyone who resists the fascist party.

World War II never ended.

>> No.22027011 [View]
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I need to destroy conservativism because conservativism wants to destroy me and everything I care about and love. I don't need to destroy conservatives, I need to destroy the conservative mind-virus within them. I wish them the blessing of self-awareness, and this process must begin with awareness that they are fucking Nazi scum, cowards who have been driven to commit and facilitate atrocities and who promote the degeneration of their society. Only upon the total collapse of the evil identity-structures they have allowed to posses themselves will allow for true transformative growth.

Conservatives NEED to hate who they are.
Conservatives NEED to feel blame and shame, the emotional consequences of their harmful, violent, and oppressive actions.
Conservatives NEED to fall into pits of complete hopelessness and despair.
Conservatives NEED to realize that they are indoctrinated, ignorant idiots, and that this is the result of their own arrogance and lack of self-inquiry (what free will truly is.)
Conservatives NEED to hate each other, to see the reflection of their own ugliness in their "comrades" and be disgusted by it.
Conservatives NEED to repent for their sins against their families, their societies, humanity, life on Earth, their sins against Truth so their sins against themselves and the Cosmos.

Only from the ashes of the ruin of their identities and world-stories can conservatives be reborn anew, in the light of life and love.

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