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>> No.23443822 [View]
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Egyptian soul has multiple parts. The Gods represent them in cthonic/astral/elemental tutelary lesser gods seen as attributes and guises of the former. Human faced ones are primary, zoomorphic ones are secondary; two legged ones (birds, like the BA soulform) such as Osirus/Horus are counterposed to four legged ones (khnum, banebdjet) such as Set and tend to be earthen/cthonic-- even Isis-Hathor as celestial cow bearing creation between her horns. "the gods of Egypt" and gods in general = the Nations and/or their patron deities.

>> No.23255043 [View]
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>Plotinus, Enneads [wrote against them]



Unironically this >>23253304
You'll get more mileage out of interrogating hermeticism in comparison with the gnostics.

>> No.23162088 [View]
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Yes, they are the brunt of a world-historic joke in the true typology. They failed in the end to leave henotheism for true Monotheism, cleaving to their patron deity It's no argument against the Absolute.

>> No.23008602 [View]
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If he's not an avid reader, this is an ill considered gift idea. People of to come to it themselves. You have to short circuit such things, negate the negation. Picrel as an intermediary position could work (better to get them in the Marcionite/Gnostic door than nothing). A hardcore preterist account of Revelations and prophecy, like Bruce Gore's lectures on such are historical enough to tempt a empiciricist bent atheist with a bad conscience. Or pedal to the medal into the bottomless abyss (Severino, The Essence of Nihilism). But that's all dependent on him being a reader. Books are a huge ask on people's time, they have to justify it. You being steadfast in your faith and giving a good account of your position if it comes up in conversation ought to be enough for him to eventually have misgivings.

>> No.22419268 [View]
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They repeatedly conflated their tribal god with God as such and couldn't distinguish between the two. That's why Jesus had to witness to gentiles.

>> No.21744242 [View]
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>Marcion of Sinope
Higher & Lower self 'national' patron god(s) Absolute & Demiurge indefinite dyad

>> No.21306753 [View]
File: 20 KB, 332x499, 41z+C1xR7OL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no trace of an afterlife ... while all other religions endeavor to explain to the people by symbols and parables the metaphysical significance of life
The "absurd revolting theism" is an absurd and revolting henotheism engaged in "a struggle with other nations[' gods]" on this mundane level. "No gods no masters [for Gentiles]." On the other hand, Nietzsche goes out of his way to laud the Old Book how much for show, and how much more for the residual glories cribbed from their Babylonian betters They'll never get their awaited 'messiah', because that would give up the self-aggrandizing game.

>> No.21254262 [View]
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