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>> No.23057560 [View]
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Unironically such a good insight into the modern man's mind, will never get pushed by the jew-owned media, banned from GoodReads, trolled by progressives and conservatives who are trying to protect the status quo of "dating culture" that serves no one but the small hats running the west.

"You're not reproducing goy! Open your borders goy! Send Israel billions goy! Good goy!"

>> No.23029327 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 41 KB, 348x522, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Tinder and other online dating things popped up, I knew it was the end... Plenty of Fish sold for what, 80+ million?

It is because control over society controls everything else downstream, and because now it is much different and requires more investment to go to a local pub and become a regular, and requires more social dexterity to lie and "understand" the local culture, you have waaaaay more shut-ins and dorks that never go to bars. You also have more weirdos and shit that only congregate online. Destruction of "3rd spaces" has lead to such a huge nose-dive in local culture, with everything replaced by algorithms and globalist culture.

Now everyone has to fit into neat, socially-constructed boxes, and the algorithm on everyone's phones truly does control our collective minds. Watch any video, go out in public, see how many people are chin-to-chest the vast majority of the time while they're out and about. They made talking to strangers so fucking weird, but only in person!

>> No.22946256 [View]
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>The metoo stuff just adds to the already existing anxiety I feel when it comes to talking to girls.
Allllllll of that shit is a psy-op designed to turn men into simps and faggots too scared to approach women... so they use dating apps which just empower women and corporations.

>> No.22939285 [View]
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Wow, it's not like Jason Bryan didn't predict this 10+ years ago with a book titled "CITY OF SINGLES" where the main character just endlessly hooks up with women and then the wannabe boyfriends of said women pick those women up and drive them home from his apartment. Or how there is no real "path forward" once you get good at dating and fucking but have no real foundations to build your own family on because you only witnessed dysfunctional relationships growing up. The main character ends up, again, entering a serially monogamous relationship at the end of the book and is almost resigned to repeating the cycle that ends with no long term relationship and just easy sex.

Once you step back and look at where things have slid since the book release, you'd know I'm right:
>rise of incels
>rise of onlyfans
>plummeting birthrates
>masculinity tied to materialism over family
>dynamic of male/females broken down to transactional relationships
Jason Bryan was sooooooo right about the future and gets no credit for accurately predicting this.

Although I'm not surprised since the winner of the last 10 years has been the empowered women who are now in control of legions of simps and getting fabulously wealthy streaming to lonely men, the corporations running the dating apps, and the porn sites/onlyfans pages that rake in a generation of men starved from female affection.

>> No.22936902 [View]
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As someone who sold porn online for 15+ years and has seen more vaginas than the last 100 of my ancestors combined in my lifetime, I'd sum up pornography's effects as:
>reducing men's desire for women
>causing fetishes to be desired
>gateway drug to nihilism
>erasure of the concept of romance
>less able to bond with women
>more aloof towards women(which ironically attracts them more)
>less power women have over you
>more power you give to fantasy
Essentially, if you boil it down to the most basic form, pornography tricks the mind into thinking you scored that woman, that you're experiencing that sex. It is the best thing at taking the air out of people's tires. Men are in a permanent feedback loop of consumerism; porn, sportsball, food, entertainment. In the alt-right/tankie fantasy world, they'd believe a utopia or new dawn of humanity could only start when men rise up and throw off the captialist/woke shackles on society, but nobody can do shit when society provides everything you need to become a nihilistic consumer that just craves more, more, more. There will be no rise-up, just a gentle landing for 99% of people's dreams. Any "pushback" on porn is about as likely to succeed in the long term as a ban on the BigMac. We need our drive-thru slop just as much as we need our screen-provided orgasm. Modern society cannot function without this soma.

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