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>> No.11986299 [View]
File: 25 KB, 285x533, REI KOZ prediction (probably from 6 to 8 years ago lole).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, brainlet here who has no idea about any of this stuff
>how do you stop acceleration?
I see two options, one was given by the other person who replied to you. Another would be the creation of a social movement that is aware of the dangers associated with acceleration that consciously recognizes a certain component of acceleration as its enemy.
>tfw just replaying Jupiter vs Saturn over and over again
>tfw trying to end spiritual cancer
>tfw as above so below
This thread reminded me a great deal of this article: http://aryanism.net/politics/technology/

>The key distinction to be made is between using technology to facilitate what we are capable of doing anyway, with or without the aid of technology, and using technology to enable to be done what could not have been done at all absent technology. Technology that eases existing burdens is noble; technology that tempts new desires is ignoble. Technology that saves time and energy is noble; technology that consumes time and energy is ignoble. Technology that simplifies life is noble; technology that complexifies life is ignoble. We can hence broadly distinguish between the Aryan technology of automation (derived from roots “auto-” + “mat-” meaning “spontaneously acting”), motivated by the will to freedom, and the non-Aryan technology of machinery (derived from root “magh-” meaning “to have power”), motivated by the will to power. (In an Aryanist society, Aryan technologists will be known as “automators” and their products known as “automata”, while non-Aryan technologists will be known as ”machinists” and the term “machines” reserved exclusively and perjoratively for their products.)

>Control over technology in any genuinely ideological direction requires state participation, as market-driven economics encourages new technology of all kinds so long as they can stimulate investment and/or lead to consumer demand. The technological directives of a National Socialist state are well-defined: optimize automation and eliminate machinery.

>No matter what field of technology we examine, we come to the same conclusion: the real problem is not the technology, but the people. In Aryan hands, machines would not be dangerous because Aryans would destroy them; in non-Aryan hands, even automata become dangerous because non-Aryans would find some way to use them to serve their greed. So long as non-Aryans exist, even if we destroy machines and erase the knowledge of building them, they could be invented again and built again... Thus the fundamental solution to the problem of technology rests not merely in phasing out machines, but in phasing out non-Aryan genetics. Only in this way can we be sure machines will never reappear.

unrelated side note: I've been thinking about the meaning of a "Solar Civilization" and power, specifically oft used metaphors about the powerful casting shadows. A Solar Avatar in that case would not cast a shadow - they would be that which causes all shadows to disappear

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