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>> No.23299031 [View]
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The Temptation of Saint Anthony. It's an absolute force of nature. I don't know how much I'd have enjoyed it if I hadn't already been familiar with most of the topics it deals with, but it's definitely a treat when you are. This is the type of book you could read again and again until the day you die and still get something new out of it each time; it's gold. It also serves as something to measure yourself against. For me, at least, I want to know what Flaubert knew; I want to have that same sort of seemingly encyclopedic yet passionate relationship with mythology and history that he displays in this novel. As I continue to educate myself throughout my life, I know I'll be able to come back to this book with a more keenly honed ability to pick apart certain scenes and absorb them in ways that were simply impossible for me earlier on in life. All of this, and it rivals in prose what Shakespeare did in meter. This book is what convinced me to learn French and I haven't regretted it once.

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