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>> No.11889189 [View]
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>You don't know anything about me or my values beyond the fact that I find your description of the families you know to be wishful treacle. It reads like the "m'lady and our traditional friends" version of "WE WUZ KINGS". I wasn't involved in the debate you were having and I'm not interested in it, you just sound like a very dumb pastor with rose-tinted glasses. This is reinforced by how you immediately start slinging presumptuous shit at the slightest criticism. Your worldview is composed of fragile convictions and idealistic perceptions that require a lot of psychic energy to defend.
The scent wafting out of your mangina stinks of Reddit, you giant baby. That's where you should stay if you can't handle the company of heterosexual men

>I don't know why you want to assume anything about my sex life when
Because literally, nothing you've said indicates that you have any actual experience with women. You're getting all defensive and spergy about the incel meme. You can't differentiate methodology from ideology, which is a fucking clear indicator of your age and inexperience.
>this conversation has been about how you see your salesmanship approach as fundamentally different from PUA salesmanship because you want a christian wife rather than a one night stand.
One is the shitty way to do it, one is the not-shitty way to do it. The shitty way will get you into a girl's panties faster, but have fun being a 40-something with 5 baby mommas who hate your living guts even as they dip into your pocket and make off with a nice chunk of your paycheck. The not-shitty way to do it will give you a partner with whom you will form connections in ways that bring out each other's strengths and marginalizes each other's weaknesses. How is this not a completely obvious choice to you, Pinocchio?
> You have some desperate, servile need to be pussywhipped
You see, this is exactly the kind of shit that makes people mock you for being a clueless foreveralone virgin. I'm literally explaining the mating game to you in the most straightforward means possible, the game that every single higher species on the planet plays with each other, and you recoil in horror because it's nothing at all like the way it happens your animus. Either putting women on pedestals or loathing them as whores are both forms of idealizing women. You actually have to meet and judge women as fellow individuals, the reason why they don't want anything to do with you is not that they're too busy jumping on Chad's pole. The reason they don't want anything to do with you is that, would YOU want to be in a relationship with someone who holds you in open contempt? Tell me again who's the hypocrite here, son

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