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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23402092 [View]
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>>Ebooks or physical?
Physical. For some reason I can never seem to concentrate when reading e-books, plus I like holding a physical book in my hands
>>What time of day do you typically read/prefer to read?
If I'm busy, just before bed. If I have a free day, I'll read for a few hours in the afternoon and then again before I go to sleep.
>>How often do you read, and how much do you read in a given sitting?
Every single day for at least an hour in each sitting. I don't know if any other anons relate but I feel like a need some time for my brain to "warm up" before I start going at a good pace so I can't just read for 15 minutes at a time.
>>Where do you read?
Either lying on the couch downstairs or sitting on my bed with a few pillows behind my back.
>>Currently reading?

>> No.9024422 [View]
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LIT, what is the Pynchon's work that should I get? I never read Pynchon coz was enough with see him in THE SIMPSONS

>> No.9012405 [View]
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Why don't works of literature feature illustrations every few pages? It would add alot too the work.

>> No.7804910 [View]
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s-she's hot

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