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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1145451 [View]
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>Stall for time by saying what you said in the opening as a summary in different words
>Speculate on extra thought regarding what you just wrote down in the whole essay or consolidate data towards some central point(s)
>Give artsy-profound ending comment that is actually (this is important) SLIGHTLY RELATED to what you just said
>Loldone 10,000/10,000

>> No.1136170 [View]
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Nah, I'm just ignorant and using the wrong term. It's a brother typewriter, older and if I had to guess ~70's era. Bought it at a garage sale a few months back, Left it by mistake with my uncle, unfortunately :(

>> No.1129442 [View]
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lolwat. He resembles a vampire, even though the art isn't terrible

>> No.1112834 [View]
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>Good films
Stalker, Meshes of the afternoon, Eraserhead, Angels egg, brazil, chinatown, come and see, Ghost in the shell 1+2, Princess mononoke, Cat soup, taxi driver, dark city, requiem for a dream, Akira, apocalypse now, Blade Runner, grave of the fireflys

I had a friend who watched good films almost compulsively, and I stuck around to watch with him. I'd really like to recommend all of these to you if you have time.. you won't be disappointed. Some, like Meshes of the Afternoon or Ghost in the Shell might be a little too arthouse or slightly animu for you, but even then it's a good list

>> No.1099934 [View]
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>implying the .pdf isn't online
It's actually open-domain, IIRC

>> No.1097146 [View]
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>Dark City
Fuck yes. Watch Brazil and meshes of the afternoon as well

I never liked the adaptation of the trial as much as the book. He re-arranged the sequences and added a few equally confusing ones. Kafkaesque never seems to work well in conventional film. Oh well, at least it wasn't as bad as "Kafka"...

>> No.1067496 [View]
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Bro, just ignore the inevitable idiot. there's an anon who seems to do that will every thread

>> No.1062317 [View]
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Man, I love the GITS films.

Funny, the first time I watched the first one I didn't think much of it. Felt that the plot was simplistic, the nudity was gratuitous fluff, and that the ending was shit-tier. But it grew on me, y'know? Even with the flaws, I started to really like the tone, atmosphere, and all-around political/cyberpunk combo they had going in it. Also probably because the soundtrack is awesome

Then of course, are those bastard serial anime children that rape the corpse of their own mother in a futile attempt to get loldeep while instead going ADDdeep. Steer clear

>> No.1057806 [View]
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That asshole from the Ocarina of time is the happy mask salesman, you little prick. keep the crap over someplace else, we only take pure shit around here

>> No.1057324 [View]
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Okay, this is almost certainly where I draw the line. Saged and reported
>thread hidden

>> No.1023471 [View]
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If this were /tv/, I would talk about classic russian CINEMA, but it's /lit/ so fuck that shit

>> No.1017218 [View]
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Yeah, I've experienced that.

End of Speaker for the dead: Just sat down with a feeling of total fufillment for about an hour. It was bliss.

Co-incidently, when I was young I would always imagine the star wars ending theme playing right after I finished the book. Your pic reminded me of that

>> No.1005887 [View]
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> Sure, it'll end up with all of us calling each other worthless hipster scum, but every other thread ends up that way.

Oh god, I lol'd. Hipster Scum

>> No.998920 [View]
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So /a/ gets a new mod who literally commits genocide against trolls and asshats, and /lit/ wallows unnoticed on the sidelines.

*Sigh* In the beginning, this was once a popular board. We were like #4 or something on the highest posts per minute list for a while.

What happened?

>> No.976925 [View]
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Well this is going better than expected.

About time for a Deus ex machina

>> No.966943 [View]
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Well, thats an improvement

What do you mean by asking what I mean by saying goodbye?

>> No.883897 [View]
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too late, the sagetroll figured out how to sage in threads a long time back

>> No.875254 [View]
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I dunno bro. I mean, even with Aragon as a wise ruler are the people he governs really happy? Are they somehow able to transcend all the petty whims and vices of people in general? I can see the plot of those books being ripped to shreds by existentialists

>> No.868933 [View]
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but it was dramatic, right?

fate can be cruel

>> No.859383 [View]
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I'd try and argue, but this is plain stupid. 0/10

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