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>> No.21409496 [View]
File: 138 KB, 1000x1481, FA1B3183-D36B-43B2-B26C-666FFC0053CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever the media is repeatedly highlighting and showing to you how stupid, dangerous, evil, misguided, backwards etc. the new out-group or enemy is, you should be worried about whether the wool is being pulled over your eyes and whether the joke is in fact on you, like the matador distracting the bull with a red cape to attract its attention and get it to charge at the cape and not the matador.

The Saul-Alinsky-tactics of the mainstream media really ramped up when Trump got into office, and then these same tactics were put into even more overdrive to justify pandemic restrictions and coordinated online censorship of views dissenting from the CDC and WHO orthodoxy on the pandemic and the mRNA vaccines as “misinformation.” Around this same time was the BLM and Antifa riots and played-up, edited footage of Floyd’s death, as well as the likely FBI-involved honeytrap of 1/6 (head of the Proud Boys was an FBI informant, security called off/request for additional security denied the day before, accounts and footage of police and security waving protestors in after opening doors or removing barriers for them, the fact that a fair amount of people simply took a tour through the Capitol inspired by the mob-mentality in the moment then left peacefully, etc.) — all this overwhelming clusterfuck happened in such a brief historical time it has all the hallmarks of a Tavistock-like deliberate stress placed on mass human populations, to engineer and push us in certain directions.

(The Tavistock Institute, as you know, also plays a part in Pynchon’s “Gravity’s Rainbow”, and was a real British research organization, starting as the Tavistock Clinic, which played a key role in British army psychiatry, received funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, and studied phenomena like “shell-shock” (today called PTSD) and the mass social effects of traumatic, unpredictable, mass-shocks like the German bombing campaign on British citizenry)).

Just as skillful application of trauma and a reward-and-punishment-system can individually be used to “brainwash” a victim, make them more susceptible to conditioning, so, it seems they found, massive traumatic social events can be applied to entire populations at large for the purposes of social engineering. When a lot of such stresses are applied in relatively short succession but in an unending stream (for months or years), the mass psyche of society becomes overwhelmed then more compliant with new social engineering directives. What we’re seeing is the same trauma-based social engineering applied after 9/11 to make us give up our civil liberties under the threat of Muslim terrorists, applied today to our own citizenry, “the alt-right,” or “conspiracy theorists” as the new domestic terror threat. Something like QAnon could also very well have been a CIA false-flag precisely to help create then ridicule the new designated enemy (right-wing Americans).

>> No.20654107 [View]
File: 138 KB, 1000x1481, B53478FA-DCD4-4D0B-8E89-4430CA8D2CB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The interesting part about Cooper, decades ago — published in 1991 — was talking about how such acts, of random mentally ill “lone wolf domestic terrorists” opening fire on schools, public places and in the workplace and the like — would be used to justify passing restrictive gun legislation and the further construction of a surveillance state. So it was interestingly accurate. He also noted how many of the shooters were often on Prozac, an antidepressant which is known for having the potential drastic side effects of paradoxically leading to even WORSE depression, or of inducing states of mania in some people.

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