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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9177768 [DELETED]  [View]
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GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7931207 [View]
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>Ivthought Holden was a brat
That's the point.

>> No.7485148 [View]
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>be me
>be at boarding school
>full of normies
>there's only one girl i've ever met who wasn't a total whore
>my chad roommate just fucked her in the backseat of somebody else's car
>i've had enough
>sleep tight, ya morons
>don't go to pencey preparatory tomorrow

>> No.7381272 [View]
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>someone on /lit/ dismisses thomas pynchon when they clearly haven't read him
makes me so angry I want to die desu

>> No.7257289 [View]
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almost certain both of you misread it. Catcher is a litmus test for retards with 0 reading comprehension.

The type of retard who thinks holdens moaning about phonies is the point of the book, or that it somehow sets him apart from other characters.

Sweet fuck.

The point of the book is that Holden is a fuck up and he knows it. All he wants is to be good, but he realizes its too late for him.
He is a flake, he is a phony. There is nothing there that is redeemable. He knows it.
He has only one little dream that lets him live with himself. his only dream is that he might save the innocent.

The entire, literally, the entire point of the book, is expressed in the scene where he reveals his dream as being the catcher.

It should be impossible for anyone with a brain to realize. And yet constantly:

"holden is a whingy cunt I hate him so much"
"why is he such a fuck up omg"
"why wont shinji get in the fucking robot, holy shit no wonder his dad hates him"
"why does holden keep asking if his gay hat looks weird"

You fuckers are all the same.

>> No.6648176 [View]
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I'm lazy and arrogant, any semblance of talent I have is directly funneled into my ego and I can't get anything of worth done because I'm so goddamn full of myself. I've ruined relationships through thinking I'm better and that my partner is less than I, I've destroyed friendships through being an annoying, egoistic cunt, I've hurt my schooling by thinking I don't have to work as hard. I also have a immense distaste for anything academic. If I don't enjoy something, I don't work on it.

I write ok though, I'm hoping to get published once I drop out of school.

>inb4 Holden Caulfield

>> No.6577805 [View]
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Entry Eleven: Fin

Well it's over. This was a waste of time and I could have been chatting up my tinder slam but there's assignments that needed to be done. Kill me.

Thanks for reading guys! Made it bearable to know you guys were here with me <3

>> No.6481065 [View]
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What sort of text wrapping bullshit is this

>> No.6442641 [View]
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>> No.6414475 [DELETED]  [View]
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>texting gril
>asks what im up to
>"im working on a short story"
>"i'd love to read it some of your writing some time :)"
>"I'll send something if you a story if you give me your email"
>Doesnt reply
>texts me the next day about something completely unnrelated

>"i'd love you read your writing anon :)"
>tfw she was just saying that

>> No.6360960 [View]
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>doing anything ironically

>> No.6358453 [View]
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>tfw no Godard or Truffaut adaptation of The Stranger

>> No.6329249 [View]
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>The Idiot is Dostoevsky's best novel.
You could make the argument.
>Anna Karenina is a 6/10 at best.
In terms of Tolstoy's other works yea. in terms of lit in general its a 10
>"Serious" literature died in the 60's, pulp and genre fiction is our new god.
I will do you one better, nobody born since 1899 has done anything "serious".
>While we're on the subject of genre fiction; Tolkien is shit. George RR Martin objectively better.
Tolkien is timeless, RR is a soap opera, and a poorly written one.
>Faulkner > Hemingway.
A defend-able opinion.
I think Faulk's was the better writer, but Hemingway was a better story teller.

-Catcher is an existential novel when read correctly.
-Atlas Shrugged is a great novel and the type of people who read it and enjoy it are people who will "get things done" in life. Ayn Rand is still a retard.
-Nausea is the best play written in the last 500 years
-Slyvia Plath was the last living poet worth reading.
-Infinite Jest is as good a novel as a modern work can possibly be.

>> No.6313548 [View]
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