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>> No.9688730 [View]
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I'd say fitness > sentience. Which opens the door to madness. The temptation to dump the cognitive load that deals with consciousness in favor of increased efficiency is there. A nonconscious hyperintelligence would likely classify the consciousness-bearing part of the mind as cognitive detritus. On the other hand, a conscious being (and we already do this) classifies nonconscious beings as lesser beings, with nonconscious inanimate "beings" on the lowest rung.

>but p-zombies are logically impossible
>get back in the hole Dennett

The "zombie" arguments are a rehashing of sublimis deus without the political ramifications. And until it becomes a political problem it will remain a huge money making machine due to the problem being intractable without there seeming to be a definite way to resolve this intractability. And the question itself remains sufficiently enthralling enough nevertheless. Intractable informal problems are uninteresting (formal problems have their niche in math and logic). The requirement of such a definite answer has the requirement of not only the satisfying of the argument but also the satisfying of us. And thus Bakthin claimed we are unfinalizable. But someone always wants the final word (and published articles)!

And somewhere a behaviorist is likening all this to a rat pushing on a lever to self-stimulate. Which is why Land is so refreshing. Because he approaches the problem of the human not from the point of view of instrumentality but from the inhuman Subject. Cthulu Zen.

>if everyone is Big Brother then no one is
Not quite. If everyone is BB then at least one person is BB. But BB becomes occluded because you don't know who it is at any one time. It is the perfect disguise. It's literally The Thing. It rises into the foreground, not in the background of the machinic unconscious, but in liquid metal skin masquerading as human. It's not a matter of refutation, but a matter of knowing whom to refute as you frantically scan the horizon with infra red goggles. The myth of the absence of sovereignty is the mindkiller.

>Are the second two parts of that film underrated?
I was disappointed by the last two parts but perhaps it's only because the first was really great by comparison. It does "complete" the story but even leaving it open retains the mystique.

That said, the last two aren't any worse than Equilibrium, Aeon Flux, or Ultraviolet, all of which I enjoy precisely because they are campy. And thus Fun.

>trusting the CIA

Indeed. The stakes have never been higher. Black hole/heat death.

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