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>> No.18249362 [View]
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Fight Club was a very enjoyable read, and differs from the film to justify a reading. Goes into more depth on the key concepts to be insightful.

"Why did I cause so much pain?"
"Didn’t I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness?"
"Can’t I see how we’re all manifestations of love?"
"I look at God behind his desk, taking notes on a pad, but God’s got this all wrong."
"We are not special."
"We are not crap or trash, either."
"We just are."
"We just are, and what happens just happens."
"And God says, “No, that’s not right.”"
"Yeah. Well. Whatever. You can’t teach God anything."
"God asks me what I remember."
"I remember everything."

Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave

Without just one nest
The bird can call the world home
Life is your career

Flowers bloom and die
Wind brings butterflies or snow
A stone won't notice

A tiger can smile
A snake can say it loves you
Lies make us evil

Watching white moon face
The stars never feel anger
Blah, blah, blah, the end

Raindrops on roses
Happy Disney animals
This makes my parts hurt

>> No.17914989 [View]
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I thought the same thing during the first few chapters, but the books and the film do differ, as the book contains a lot more depth. The reason I decided to read the book is because I liked the message of the film so much that I wanted to have more of it, and the quotes in the film are taken from the book, and I wanted more of those quotes, and a deeper look into the message, I think if you liked the message of the movie you should read the book.


Here's an example of where the book has more depth than the film in something seemingly subtle. In chapter 16 when we're introduced to the beginning of project mayhem, one part I like, that differs from the film, is where the soldiers of project mayhem are given an assignment to GET beaten up by a random stranger.

This differs from the film, in which Tyler gives an assignment just to get into a fight with a stranger, however in the book, they are ordered to get beaten up by a stranger. This is important, but admittedly subtle difference, but if you're paying attention the book remains consistent in its underlying message. Because getting beaten up teaches the men humility, and the power of self-destruction, and letting go. https://youtu.be/Q03frcLDXWk

Not even in a masochistic way, but the wider point is to build that detachment from being comfortable, and to destroy yourself. To expose yourself to pain to overcome it, see >>17914694

>There's a bigger Hegelian thing going on of trying to escape something by becoming its opposite, but then realizing that the opposite is the same as the first thing, and then transcending the whole dilemma.

As to develop the true spiritual power. So that they can strengthen their nerve so they are willing to hit rock bottom.

"I'm breaking my attachment to physical power and possessions, because only through destroying myself can I discover the greater power of my spirit."

"If you lose your nerve before you hit rock bottom you'll never really succeed."

Also Fight Clubs intentions are to liberate men and to give them purpose, and the assignment does this secondly, as it serves to recruit men to the cause of project mayhem. As it reminds them, when they beat up the guy, that they are in fact men. What the is assignment is doing is reviving in these men "the spirit of man", which they have forgotten.

>"What we have to do people is remind these guys what kind of power they still have."

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