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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18078765 [View]
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'That’s my desperate, very desperate hope, that if Trump wins… Listen, America is still not a dictatorial state, he will not introduce fascism. But it will be a kind of big awakening. New political processes will be set in motion, will be triggered. But I am well aware that things are very dangerous here, not only all this white supremacy groups… But listen, Trump openly said – and as an opportunist he will probably do it – you know how important in United States the Supreme Court is, he’s already said he will nominate right-wingers. So there are dangers. I’m just afraid that Hillary stands for this absolute inertia, the most dangerous one! Because she is a cold warrior, and so on, connected with banks, pretending to be socially progressive.'

>Trump enabled rightist brainlet cucks
>rightist brainlet cucks proceed to reveal their power level
>pendulum swings back immediately
>leftist Will to Power takes hold
>Chauvin conviction the first medium victory in a long list of victories to come

The arc of history is long but it bends toward the left

>> No.9215890 [View]
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>On the topic of music, Slavoj, what do you like?

I love classical music; I’m a mega Wagnerian – Wagner, Schonberg, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann. I listen for hours every day. I work to loud music. […] Of the latest music, I like bands like the German one, Rammstein. I disagree with those who think they are some kind of proto-fascist band. They do this wonderful thing – deconstructing from within; the charm of fascism, overidentifying with it and making it ridiculous. […]

>> No.9207635 [DELETED]  [View]
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What is your biggest philosophical conviction?

>> No.8799016 [View]
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>> No.5998566 [View]
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>But what about the apparent absurdity of the idea of dignity, freedom and Reason, sustained by extreme military discipline, including of the practice of discarding the weak children? This "absurdity" is simply the price of freedom - freedom is not free, as they put it in the film. Freedom is not something given, it is regained through a hard struggle in which one should be ready to risk everything. The Spartan ruthless military discipline is not simply the external opposite of the Athenian "liberal democracy," it is its inherent condition, it lays the foundation for it: the free subject of Reason can only emerge through a ruthless self-discipline. True freedom is not a freedom of choice made from a safe distance, like choosing between a strawberry cake or a chocolate cake; true freedom overlaps with necessity, one makes a truly free choice when one's choice puts at stake one's very existence - one does it because one simply "cannot do it otherwise." When one's country is under a foreign occupation and one is called by a resistance leader to join the fight against the occupiers, the reason given is not "you are free to choose," but: "Can't you see that this is the only thing you can do if you want to retain your dignity?" No wonder that all early modern egalitarian radicals, from Rousseau to Jacobins, admired Sparta and imagined the republican France as a new Sparta: there is an emancipatory core in the Spartan spirit of military discipline which survives even when we subtract all historical paraphernalia of Spartan class rule, ruthless exploitation of and terror over their slaves, etc.

What do you guys think of this passage?

I didn't know this dude was such an Old Bolshevik in spirit.

>> No.4529099 [View]
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>> No.3282839 [View]
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Where do i start with Hegel?

>> No.1617786 [View]
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read: it works for alienated cocksuckers with no sense of compassion

>> No.1397355 [View]
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sup /lit
I'm looking for poet recommendations. My favorites are probably Paz, cummings, Whitman. What u got? Gimme something I haven't heard of.

pensive zizek unrelated

>> No.1397352 [DELETED]  [View]
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sup /lit/
I'm looking for poet reccorecommendationsmendations. My favorites are probably Paz, cummings, Whitman. What u got?

pensive zizek unrelated

>> No.1397348 [DELETED]  [View]
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sup /lit/
I'm looking for poet reccomendations. My favorites are probably Paz, cummings, Whitman. What u got?

pensive zizek unrelated

>> No.1382454 [View]
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I h'am not wan of those shteeeuuupeeed green organic shtarbucksh family mang liberal communeeshts

>> No.1348175 [View]
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"Liberal attitudes towards the other are characterized both by respect for otherness, openness to it, and an obsessive fear of harassment. In short, the other is welcomed insofar as its presence is not intrusive, insofar as it is not really the other. Tolerance thus coincides with its opposite. My duty to be tolerant towards the other effectively means that I should not get too close to him or her, not intrude into his space—in short, that I should respect his intolerance towards my over-proximity. This is increasingly emerging as the central human right of advanced capitalist society: the right not to be ‘harassed’, that is, to be kept at a safe distance from others."

>> No.1337262 [View]
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Slavoj Zizek. What do we think?

I have so far read and The Plague of Fantasies and
First As Tragedy, Then As Farce, plus some articles and talks of his. I'm currently reading The Parallax View, which is pretty awesome. I know that much of what he does is pure gimmickry, but there is always that element you can take away, such as the very idea of the perverse or of the parallax, that winds up actually being semi-useful.

Who else should I read if I like Zizek? Does anyone have any other ideas about him?

>> No.1179075 [View]
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Sup /lit/

I've recently become interested in Slajov Zizek, and wish to start reading something by him. Does anyone have an idea where I should start?


>> No.903542 [View]
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Its a shame your theory is insufficiently... critical.

>> No.569715 [View]
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Zizek was never post modern. nSk was a modernist project.

Everyone here needs to learn the true meaning of the importance of being earnest.

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