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>> No.13609576 [View]
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As long as you love yourself you can have sex whenever you like, with whomever you like, the key is realizing your partner might as well not exist.

You guys ever think about what it'd be like to be me? To love yourselves as much as I love myself?
It really is a different level of existence. I realized some time ago that I don't feel attraction to others. When I have sex I don't enjoy that person's body, I enjoy being observed by them, and observing myself performing. I'm quite simply, attracted to myself, and since I discovered this my life has been radically changed. It all turns into a spectacle about myself and for myself to watch.

I don't pretend to be a sociopath, faking grandiose mental illnesses is for slightly less mentally ill folks.
What I'm trying to say is than most people are always yearning for something exterior, and their lives are aimed towards seeking this something / someone. A life time in their own company has dulled down any sense of self love and admiration they could have for themselves, after all, they know the weakness that looms in their hearts better than anyone; in other words, they have rejected the role of the protagonist in their own lives, for they're obsessed with the concept of "the other".
But when you're like me, you already have the greatest thing you could possibly want, and you goal is to enjoy it, and preserve it, and enhance it.

Speaking truthfully, it seems to me that people who use terms such as "the one/ my oneitis" have a lot of fears, expectations and overall emotional baggage tied in with the prospect of sex.
in my experience, those who live in fear of failure experience disappointment threefold, for the first time when they imagine their future self, for the second time when they are going through the ordeal an it looms on them, and for the last time when their future self reminiscences about their past self.
A view as romantic as the one these people hold is worthy of a proper don quixote, and they are in need of their sancho panza, a lady who despite sharing those ideals will never present itself, cause she will still be attracted to the the mainstream male attributes also, and in the almost impossible case the connection is made, you'll have a picture perfect folie a deux.

Before we start, remember, whores are human shaped stepping stones in your narcissistic pursuit, even if she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch she is still worth nothing , with that said if you still want to score for your pleasure:
The first thing to do with any woman you want to penetrate is assert a distance between you. (cont)...

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