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>> No.12032736 [View]
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>no need to fix it, that's what accelerationism is aiming at; the inevitable technological singularity that will result in a new order of things.
maybe. explosions and implosions seem to be of our nature. we are a highly combustible species. singularities take all kinds of forms, and sometimes you don't even realize they have happened until much later on.

>it has to turn out like box life actually, there is no other way. it will sneak up on us as well, there won't be any huge cataclysm, no one wants that, even "capitalism".
would be sad, tho. maybe inevitable. maybe not. maybe the price paid for the Level-2 civilization. Nosedive is fucking depressing tho, if that's where it goes. and Social Credit, good god. i think it will work, and that is so very sad to think about. the 21C is going to be really quite a thing to experience, or as much of it as we do.

>So, taking part in acceleration really means just trying to fast forward things until we are at a point where we don't even realize we are being controlled by the AI (I consider the box that is being talking about to be the AI of sorts, talking about his new union with humanity from his perspective).
yeah, maybe. it is for some. my own relation to this stuff is to bunker down at the End of Time and kind of maybe just host a little sidestep out of reality to think about things and bat some ideas around. everybody goes through the doors they feel are best for them, in the end. but yeah, Cypher and the Steak-Bite. it's a thing.

>How can it end any other way?
i'm as confused by as you are anon. i'm feeling somewhat less confused these days as i continue to work out my own Unified Feels Theory, which is more or less coming into view, and i'll have some notes on that in a later thread. it's a hard way to learn some very simple things, no doubt. Land is the Coldest man alive, in many ways. my own attempts to put a White Hat on this process are no doubt misguided, but...well, it's less that i know what i'm talking about than that i have learned to distrust my own certainties.

>And where can I learn more about space taoism from the source?
the source is Aminom, who will probably be happy to talk to you more about it, and i hope he does, because i'm a big fan of it also, and more of his thought would be a blessing indeed. whatever i eventually wind up posting here that condenses my own sense of things really is in a Vinegar Tasters-relation to what he's already said. he likes Whitehead, and so do I. Process and Reality is the book to read.

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