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>> No.12447431 [View]
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>Christian Progress has become Political Correct Progress. Haven't you noticed?
honestly, no. i mean don't get me wrong. the Phenomenology of Spirit is Hegel's own Lutheran sensibilities writ large, and it's not like you have to look hard to see connections between evangelical Christianity and the Marxism which Hegel directly inspires. Liberation Theology is a perfect example of this.

but to me the Christianity that appeals is that of Meister Eckhart, or the Desert Fathers. or Girard. Stalinism, Nazism and Maoism are all as removed as could be from Christianity, and they take political correctness to realms undreamed of. Augustine himself argued as much against freethinking (Pelagianism) as he did against excessive puritanism (Donatism). Orthodoxy has its problems; those responsibilities are why you get to wear an extremely large hat.

whatever political correctness signifies today, it doesn't necessarily connote Christianity. only arrogance. this was another of Girard's points: the Sacred isn't necessarily the Christian sacred, and the Holy isn't necessarily the good. it is that *which will not be mocked.* and the reasons as to why that are so are deeply psychological, and usually involve somebody getting their face pushed in. transgressions against the sacred tend to *trigger* people.

>I'm speaking about real-world beliefs, not academia.
Positivism is just secular humanism, it's progressivism in a universal sense. in that sense, it *is* a real-world belief. people just lack a sense of intellectual history today, or have a kind of insane desire to invent new words for things that already exist. or to produce debased versions of things that actually existed in the past. the whole reason i have a hard time with 'real-world' anything is that people often do not have any idea what the fuck they are saying, but this rarely prevents them from insisting that that is how the 'real world' works.

>Evolution = your sacred cow. If you can't examine your presumptions, then it's not really philosophy - it's religion.
i'm very confused right now. why do you say evolution is my sacred cow? what presumptions are going unexamined here? again, i do think that if you're looking for the essence of Gnostic politics, it's Utopia, to which all progress 'evolves' towards. it is what all ideology is grounded in. this isn't a mystery to me. what i'm saying is that my appreciation for religion grows because it actually prevents you from falling in love with the state and those ideals - ideals which are, i would add, particularly hard to separate oneself from the more that market forces suck us all into the same horrible battlefields, like the Blood War. what's better, Chaotic Evil or Lawful Evil? you must choose!

i don't want to choose. i think it's a trap, designed to keep people fearful and angry enough to continue playing a game rigged against them, which benefits only cynics and fanatics.

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