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>> No.6833124 [View]
File: 55 KB, 403x500, randy-newman-twitter-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not allll that cold, right...
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Anonymous 07/16/15(Thu)00:26:30 No.628271911 [Reply]▶
Sup fags what's it like knowing even a nigger like me has a girlfriend.

Jelly fat fucks?
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Anonymous 07/15/15(Wed)23:58:47 No.628266168 [Reply]▶
new drawthread
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Anonymous 07/16/15(Thu)00:25:06 No.628271612▶
Espec gtfo
Anonymous 07/16/15(Thu)00:25:40 No.628271732▶
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Enough out of you go fuck yourself you falseflagging, shit-flinging, paranoid little fuck. I can't draw for shit, I doubt I'll ever be good enough, but I can at least enjoy art by people who can draw here. Ambi was a great person, both did vocaroo threads and drew for us here in drawthreads, I talked with her all the goddamn time. Do you have any idea how much it hurt when I found out she died? A whole goddamn year she's been gone, and I've been in denial about it, thinking she just moved on from us and is busy as a chef which she finally became. I needed that picture, I even have it up on my fucking skype. And now she's gone, the world is without her cooking, her drawings, and her voice. So fuck you, fuck your drawma drawfag bulllshit you fucking fuckhead piece of shit. Take time away from these fucking threads instead of gossiping and posting garbage like that shit you petty insufferable cunt.
Fuck you
Anonymous 07/16/15(Thu)00:26:29 No.628271910▶
*he is holding
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Anonymous 07/16/15(Thu)00:19:50 No.628270523 [Reply]▶
ITT: Describe the last shit you took with a movie title.

Had a long day need some lulz.
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Anonymous 07/16/15(Thu)00:25:31 No.628271704▶
That one's tough to beat
Anonymous 07/16/15(Thu)00:25:42 No.628271737▶
Paul Blart Mall Cop 2
Anonymous 07/16/15(Thu)00:26:29 No.628271904▶
Fast and Furious

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