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>> No.24161997 [View]
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Speaking of Twilight I read some of pic related and the main couple is so much more loving and caring towards each other I wonder why Twilight became as big as it did despite Bella and Edward being fucking assholes to each other

>> No.24153253 [View]
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The characters are all flat but I like the cute goth girl and how she actually felt like a realistic teen and wasn't treated like she's right all the time

>> No.24001569 [View]
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Vampire Kisses is cheesy kino and I will not hear otherwise

>> No.23828059 [View]
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At least I'm not a pseudo-intellectual dumbass like you who acts smater than he is.

>> No.23721289 [View]
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Twilight sucks. Read Vampire Kisses instead, it's cheesy kino

>> No.23718644 [View]
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This is the only good YA vampire romance series just because it doesn't take itself too seriously and is pretty light, plus I actually like the MC

>> No.23715118 [View]
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The reviewers on that site keep whining about how my daughter Raven is selfish and judgemental while forgetting she's 16 years old. Fuck them

>> No.23696267 [View]
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They're pretty light reading and are meant for younger readers, so don't expect it to be Harry Potter level or anything. I thought they were cute books, and despite there being nine of them they're actually all pretty short.

One last thing is that some people don't like Raven and find her a bit whiny and self-centered, at least in the first book. I personally liked her and didn't find her to be any worse than say Daria, but YMMV. I did find her to be more likeable than Bella Swan at the very least>>23696117

>> No.23688402 [View]
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The only YA series I actually enjoyed was Vampire Kisses and that's because the author just set out to make a cute light romance series than be pretentious

>> No.23663268 [View]
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Pic Related. People on Goodreads complain that the main character is self centered and whiny at times but I liked her and don't see how she's any worse than say Daria

>> No.23641944 [View]
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Twilight is also shit. Vampire Kisses is the better paranormal romance that doesn't try to be up it's own ass

>> No.23597554 [View]
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Vampire Kisses is cheesy kino about a goth girl who wants to be a vampire.

>> No.23594606 [View]
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What about YA novel's written in the 2000's? Pic related is cheesy kino and is much better than Twishit

>> No.23570392 [View]
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Anyone here read Vampire Kisses? It's not the best written series but it was really cute, plus it actually predated Twilight by five years

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