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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22976143 [View]
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>I doth cummed bucketfulls all over her elfin face.
>le fin

>> No.22851435 [View]
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Get rid of the computers and make the toilets only accessible to library card holders, and the homeless people will never step foot in there.

Furthermore fill the shelves with actual books worth reading like the great classics of the world, The Bible, Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Gibbon, Kant, Voltaire, etc.
I don't go into the library not just becauase of the homeless, but also because there's just simply nothing worth reading there. I buy my books secondhand for dirt cheap and have enough books at home that I can read. But if I could just pop over to the local library and read those books there instead of cluttering up my house with them, I wouldn't need to buy any books.

>> No.22834357 [View]
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Hello /clg/ I wish today to present to you two items that may be of interest to you

>Erasmus' Colloquies, schoolboy level latin of basic conversational topics to help one learn to use latin in daily life.

>Erasmus' Proverbs, catchy latin one liners to use idiomatically

>> No.22629350 [View]
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>J K Rowling went from most famous author on earth to completely irrelevant.
Patently false. She has explicitly generated negative publicity by making MtFs seethe and still has movies and vidya of her franchise being relrased.
>when Game of Thrones is over
GoT IS over. We're talking about ASoIaF.
>he writed
It's "wrote"
>So George decided to procrastinate to hang onto his fame. It-s better to be hated as the guy who hasnt finished your favorite series, then to be liked as the guy who finished your favorite series and who cares what he's up to now?
You may be underage, but Grum isn't. He should know better by the age of 20, like, your work is what you'll be judged on, not tweeny liked/hated public drama. He's not calculating his popularity in the last leg of his FAT life. He didn't have it in him to finish it. So be it, he gave up, my problem is with his estimates and pushing the date bullshittery. He stopped caring at all.
>It makes perfect sense. So long as Thrones is unfinished he can keep getting side jobs like he did for Elden Ring. He's still relevant.
I'll just leave this as is, too funny.

>> No.22037202 [View]
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>Whatever could our completely accidental discovery of homosexual or bisexual Great Men of the past mean in relation to our age?
Except people in the periods you mention were saying this shit too

>We made Thalon and Sophocles, Thamiras, Nero, Agathocles, Tiberius and Aristoteles, themselves to use unnaturally.
John Bale, A Comedy Concerning Three Laws of Nature Corrupted by the Sodomites (c. 1530)

>"Oh hold your tongue, you ugly sodomite!" The horrible affront half maddened me with fury; but in a moment I recovered presence of mind enough to turn it off with a jest; "You madman! you exceed the bounds of decency. Yet would to God that I understood so noble an art as you allude to; they say that Jove used it with Ganymede in paradise, and here upon this earth it is practised by some of the greatest emperors and kings."
Benvenuto Cellini, Autobiography (1563)

>The mightiest kings have had their minions; Great Alexander lov'd Hephaestion, The conquering Hercules for Hylas wept, And for Patroclus stern Achilles droop'd. And not kings only, but the wisest men; The Roman Tully lov'd Octavius, Grave Socrates Wild Alcibiades.
Christopher Marlowe, Edward II (1592)

>Don't you know your history? You will find there glorious heroes, responding both actively and passively to their lithe and obliging friends. That was what Socrates got from Alcibiades who, by my faith, was not a gloomy Greek; and just the same were Euryalus and Nisus. How many more could I name? A great number, Julius Caesar, about whom obscene tongues told he was the husband of all the Roman women, when he was the wife of all the husbands. But just leaf through Suetonius and see how he deals with the Caesars. They are all included on this list; they all served the good god of Lampsacus. And if profane examples aren't enough for you, then let us shift our attack to the sacred: this good Jesus, how do you think he got John to sleep in his bed? Don't you see he was his Ganymede?
Frederick the Great, Palladium (1748)

>Of the first fifteen emperors, Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct.
Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776)

>The most virtuous of the Greeks, according to our ideas of morality, would have been looked upon in Europe as most wicked and contemptible debauchees.
Franz Swediauer, Philosophical Dictionary (1786)

>When I find such a man as Aristides charged with it, I lament his living in those days. And I regret, that his otherwise unblemished name, should be contaminated by the infamous vice of his country.
Francis Dobbs, Second Volume of Universal History (1788)

>I should know to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality.
DH Lawrence

>It spread its contagious effects like an ineluctable law to the best and most manly of characters, eliminating from the reproductive process those very men on whose offspring a nation depended.
Adolf Hitler, quoted by Rudolf Diels (1950)

>> No.21965732 [View]
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>Hmmm an introduction, lets just skip that

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