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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15346761 [View]
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>> No.14288130 [View]
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tfw bored no matter what i am doing

>> No.13113217 [View]
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>society is built on drugs and shit yo
>drugs are important dude
>bro take some drugs
>you'll see shit and be wise bro
Thanks, Joe Rogan. Now I get it.

>> No.12195970 [View]
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Is alcohol the most /lit/ drug?

>> No.11718494 [View]
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>What if I want to do virtue differently?

>> No.7857564 [View]
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>tfw dilettante

>> No.7240789 [View]
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>tao lin
>teen culture
what the fuck?
what 16 year old faggot made this?

>> No.6373237 [View]
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>Pretend you aren't a misogonist for a second

>> No.5801405 [View]
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Sharia just means law.

The whole notion of "sharia law" is a modern concept, not to mention redundant.

>> No.5528843 [View]
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Where do you find or have found inspiration /lit/? I'm not talking about muse type shit, I just want to know what has generally inspired you. I read your posts and it seems despite that nihilistic slant of this board that a lot of you have it figured out, so I want to see what inspires you people to get out of bed each morning

>> No.4897445 [View]
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>> No.4781229 [View]
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>using an ereader that can play games and browse the internet

>> No.4617852 [View]
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>> No.4560429 [View]
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A Bear in brown,
a thistle crown,
the swaying trees,
the flowing breeze.
I am diseased.

Iron poles and
concrete streets,
flashing lights and
rushing beats.
I am diseased.

I long for peace;
chirping birds and
buzzing bees and
jumping fish and
roaming fleas.

To starve a day,
and hunt for say,
four hours or more,
and catch a boar,
carry it home,
eat it all to the bone,
and fall asleep,
a sleep so deep;
i wake up right.

Forget myself
in the river,
dry off myself
in the sun,
walk through my
backyard mountains,
find a place to
call my own.

wow this is crap.

>> No.4534260 [View]
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>Are all plot driven fiction novels inherently pleb tier?
Probably, but some are still enjoyable
>Honestly reading harry potter or a Stephen King book is really no better
Harry Potter > Stephen King
>than watching Game of Thrones,
Ok, I'll give you that; all the same brand of pleb
>Family Guy,
Holy fuck, no. This is below pleb, if there is such a thing...
>or listening to Linking Park
...too far, man... too far

>> No.4488952 [View]
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>> No.4437552 [View]
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"The Shot" by Pushkin

>> No.4386263 [View]
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Fuck, chapter 39 of Catch-22 is rough.

Just finished the book though. I enjoyed it, but I feel like I would appreciate it a thousand times more if I was actually part of the WWII generation. I'll probably spend some time on the post-text criticisms and such in my edition if I don't find starting my next book too tempting.

>> No.3501509 [View]
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Everyone has a story, the real question is whether it's worth telling.

>> No.3461683 [View]
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> i don't usually like reading
Well that's okay, fella, I'd be more than happy to help yo-

>audio version

>> No.3417555 [View]
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And I don't see how you could possibly conflate the two without having a bias toward innate equality/tabula rasa models.

>> No.3199795 [View]
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Assuming a society is civilized, is it not better to encourage all opinions to be discussed openly, rather than to force some opinions to be kept quiet? Is someone who simply wishes to silence the opposition merely unsure of the veracity of their claims?

Example 1: Racists are generally looked down upon and forced to express their views in secrecy. Would it not be better to encourage them to speak openly so that we may convince them the error of their ways through polite discourse in an open forum?

This is my main example, because I feel as though racism is one of the more "black and white" issues that could be solved easily through discussion.

Example 2: LGBT activists tend to protest in rather egregious ways (IMO), such as recently in france. Could the church and the LGBT community solve their differences more effectively through polite discourse in an open forum, rather than through fighting in the streets?

Of course the LGBT vs. church issue is much more complicated, but would peace and love through discussion and understanding be more effective than both sides assuming the moral and factual high ground and refusing to even consider the other side's opinion?

>> No.3078265 [View]
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>finishing up a marketing degree/busser at coffee shop
>City of Glass- Paul Auster, Neil Young & Crazy Horse Zuma
>unstable, but following my dreams as best I can

>> No.2985554 [View]
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