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>> No.18900543 [View]
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Depends on who you ask, pseuds don't consider anything Literature due to their arbitrary standards

>> No.18881218 [View]
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>the discussion here is so lacklustre
Because no one here actually reads any books.

>> No.18874566 [View]
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From pseuds who are incredibly insecure about themselves.

>> No.18870971 [View]
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Well, I was spending my time; browsing incels(co), incel’s subreddit, and incel’s thread here; in 4Chan. They (incels) have been speaking with confidence that the reason why they are being unlovable to women as men is biological determinism only.

Incel’s premises : Women only want men who was born biologically perfect. Men whose face is handsome with combination of strong jaw, hot lips, and sharp eyes. These are characteristics of versatile and strong men who can produce babies and protect his spouse in circumstance moment (just like prehistoric era).

We (incels) wasn’t born biologically perfect. We have No strong jaw and so on and so on.

Conclusion : therefore women don’t want us.

At first you must be interested with their premises and agreed with their conclusion. They seems so coherent. And in empirical basis, incels' philosophy seems true and relatable; women get fucked by chad. Simple.

But what we have seen as simple isn’t as it is.

We are living in modern world, not prehistoric era. Everything has changed, including the way women choice a men as partner. Biological characteristics aren’t the only concern. “State authority protect me and I can work by myself alone to survive. Why I really need men with strong physical characteristic to protect me? Why I really need men for merely money things?” Said women. I guess.

So here’s the things; by saying words such “women don’t want us because women only want chad” can be seen as apriorism statement. An statement which consist of merely premature projection toward empirical phenomena. You cherry picked data; A, B, C, and D are chads and all of them have fucked girls multiply times. Conclusion: therefore women only want chad.

All of you were denying the fact that E, F, G, and H aren’t chads and they have fucked many girls too.

For example :

There is women who married Stephen Hawking. Is Stephen hawking considered as chad? He can’t even stand for himself—literally. Therefore incel’s proposition just get falsified by simple example phenomena.

Not all women merely want chad with strong jaw, sharp eyes, etc. So don’t overgeneralize something. Women are seeing others Variables too in men including intelligence (like what happened to Hawking).

Incel’s philosophy is falsifiable because we have so many evidences and coherent arguments to proof it wrong.

Incels are consistent with biological determinism so they are free from taking responsibility for themselves.

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