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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23083519 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Write using rhymes in most sentences.
>I like it because it sounds like a poetic version of rap about what I am writing
>Retards here claim that doing that and abusing rhymes is bad
>mfw they're jelly of my musical prose

>> No.21758619 [View]
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this nigga and histches though and thank and think and thought that the dumbestestest chosen darken castes of the cursed cain line of the african steppe, may be of not adequate intelectual skills, simply because of sociopureconomic factors.

And thou nigga, the niggerest of the braggart niggarly, carefuly craft -because he's 'nware- his sofisma, carefully projecting under his solipscims.

That I may be a wealthy oxford yorskmire of the eurasian haplogroups of the older gaul frankish blood.

When In reality I am the bastard child of iliterate farmers from a spicoid and brownoid family in the middle of a war torn banana replubic.

Oh my, wouldn't be ironic, if this niggardly and dardly, would assume I have more white privilege than a black kid in califonrnia or new york?

And wouldn't be funny to be of the zambo phenotype, meanwhile this fag claims I am of the nazarean skin color?

wouldn't be funnier if a dirty zambo from a spic shithole tell you the true reality of the IQ genetic inheritance over the cultural nurture side of the debate?

>> No.21585557 [View]
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Literary fags are like, genre plebs are like ultra pleb npcs.

But the reality is that I read stories to have fun and be entertained.

Literary fags think they're smart or clever simply because they read a book on medieval oratory and read 60 ways to turn a phrase.

In reality, you will be poor because nobody gives a fuck about your mitwit take about some mitwit topic like politics, philosophy or other shit like theology.

And the funny shit, is that their takes are usually mitwit facebook tier shit.

When I want to read about political theory, philosophy or theology, I read fucking non fiction, specially from a modern college textbook.

Not a mitwit take by some non college professor in the field.

And no, complex anti tramas are only impressive to first year literature students.
It takes more skill to properly write a working plot with a checkov gun masterfully implemented to cause an emotional response at the right moment, than whatever anti trama anti plot garbage you faggots want to pass as non genre fiction shit.

And I don't give a shit about your mitwit takes on life, so don't expect me to buy your novel, simply because is not LE PLEB GENRE FICTION SHIT.

Want my money which I worked hard for it?
Make me a good fantasy isekai plot, retard.

I wont pay a single dime for mitwit college takes about pseud topics.

I may be a genre pleb, but I rather be a pleb over giving literary fags money, lmao.
Enjoy living in welfare, fags.

>> No.21446728 [View]
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>Be failed manchild chinlet MMA loser
>your carreer is a failure and going nowhere
>decide to create a ponzi scheme centered about the ideal of being an alpha male that is rich and fuck hot escorts all day while driving luxury cars and getting hooken on cocaine parties
>for some reason this resonates with losers on the internet
>Sell a PUA/trading scam course for 50 usd per month to incels who need a way to learn to get slut pussy at HIV parties
>roid up and do some lifts, act like a douchebag on the internet saying obvious dumb shit about women are whores and males should fuck random girls how they want and other alt right incel garbage
>incels eat that shit, see you as the only brave soul with such original ideas and share your stupid takes proving he's the chosen one, which causes controversy which gives him free publicity
>incels now join his patreon or some garbage he has to make money from them
>sells an exclusive secret discord where you hang out and share exclusive private alpha lessons to become rich and fuck bitches
>charge 5k per month per retard
>incels eat that shit up hoping to learn secret PUA redpills
>now you easily makes six figures from a hustle alpha male grindset redpill ponzi scheme
He's right, he's smarter and you're simply too slow brain to be as clever as him to make so much money and hire expensive scorts that larps as inocent party girls he impressed with his amazing PUA skills, which you can learn from by paying some subscription.

Yeah, he's right.
He's too smart for books.

>> No.21439250 [View]
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Why haven't you learned East asian languages and become rich from writing webnovels?

>> No.21396607 [View]
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Just replace pokemons with female anthro anime monster furry girls.

Call them Cubeballs and you use a spiked cube to trap the cubemonsters into their cubeballs where their stamina is recharged and are ready with lust to fight for the blacked shota hero and suck his dick after the battle, meanwhile their vaginal fluids cause a recovery of the shota stamina.

You're a fucking pleb writer if you think something as basic as IP faggotry can stop me.

>> No.21374383 [View]
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We need a non fiction general, because some of us read a lot, but don't care about women books (AKA FICTION AND DRAMA).

I literally read like 2 non fiction books per week and I haven't read faggot shit like fiction since goblin slayer.

And classical fiction is like a mitwit writing something that women enjoy (FICTION) telling me how superior he is because he writes about some morality shit and he's clever because he read 60 ways to turn a phrase and can do philological and retorical tricks like a word juggler and keeps everything under metric.

And guess what?
You're wasting your time and you should have learned to code.

Fiction is only useful if you're a weeb and my mom who gets their fix off their cheap emotional manipulation.

I don't watch anime, nor I watch la rosa de guadalupe, which is 100% all popular fiction.
And literary fiction is just mitwit autism.
There's nothing impressive with tolstoy, shakespeare, It's just 120 IQ work.

Want to see real high IQ shit?
Math and CS shit to develop cool shit like new difussion models and optimizations on twitter.

>> No.21286369 [View]
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How do I make sure a DeepL translation is good enough in japanese If I really suck at the language?

I was planing on like reading a couple grammar books and then using a CAT tool and then manually checking at least google translation, deepL, mirai translator and maybe another 2 tools.

Then simply using the translator tools as reference to help me build by hand a sentence in a CAT tool.
And later double check using a grammar language checker addon. (forgot the name).

>but learn japanese
Been since January 2021 and has only learned 1.5k words since then.

>You must be doing something wrong
Yes, I just review like 10 words every week until I memorize then.
But I honestly, don't have more time for this shit.
I need to start working on my light novel.

>But why not read mangas, animes [insert another cope[
Because I don't give a shit about japan and there's not a single anime that interest me nor I give a single fuck about anything made by japan.
Because japs are dogshit and they suck writing stories.
I rather do something more useful than waste my time reading something written by a jap.

Rather read tolstoy than anything made by japan.

>but why then you want to make shit in japanese
Because It's the only country with a light novel industry.
There's not such industry in the west.

>but why not publish in the west
Care to link me a single major editorial that will publish original authors in latinoamerica?
They only publish japanese authors.
Need to publish in japanese, there's not another market for what I want to make.

>but why not
Want my fucking biographic novel, retard?
Fuck off.

>> No.21276898 [View]
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Does learning vocabulary folow the dip curve?

It looks like the dunning krugger cuver, where there's a big dip in the middle between an initial high point and the right high point.

From my experience words I clearly know in the first 48 hours, I forget them like hardcore for like 4-5 days, even if I try to recall them, and they only start to be recalled like by day 10 of daily recalls.

Wonder if this is something that happens to others.

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