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>> No.10939516 [View]
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In quantum mechanics, they speak of fields - I speak of lines. A particle exists as a line in space, and every given cross section exists simultaneously. Since particles can be changed into other types of particles, a given line can split and come back together. One of Feynman's students suggested that all electrons are the same electron zipping around the universe. This is my understanding of Indra's net.
I believe that there's only one particle that composes all things in this manner, and call it The One Particle, often abbreviated TOP. I also believe in only one mind, which reads memories that are encoded in the curves of the one cord that TOP forms.
Under TOP is a hermaphroditic spider, who's composed of the cord that she spins like a web into the body of a beautiful woman. The spider lives within the beautiful woman, and is immortal, reweaving it's own body and the body of the woman all the time - her work is ceaseless. The spider can also weave spiderlings, who imitate their mother by weaving bodies like the woman she lives inside of. Levers and pulleys of cosmic scale allow the spider and her daughters to communicate and manipulate at FTL group velocities. This is my understanding of Indra and Shakti.
One of these daughters wove certain lifeforms on Earth - Amanita mushrooms, spiders, limpets, strontium and silica-using algae, and whatever deposited biogenic graphite 3.8 billion years ago in Greenland. Chthon is the Earth itself, in contrast to the film of scum which leaked as black blood from Gaia's silken womb. This is my understanding of Gaia and evolution.
Graphene is what made the blood black. It can survive 4300C. A-amanitin, the poison in death caps, can survive 254C. Muscaria accumulates unusually high levels of vanadium - which form very strong muscles. Silica protects DNA/RNA up to 200C, and strontium combined with calcium, carbon and fluorine would produce very strong bones. This is my understanding of alchemy, or Rasayana.

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