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>> No.12005194 [View]
File: 764 KB, 2264x3094, GR000099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, but shitposting massive walls of greentext and schizo-ramble are what we do here. if the thing means something and it's interesting, sometimes you have to walk us through it. bonus points for cyberpunk tumblr imagery and so on, explore the space

he's a symptom. he happened because the Left failed, more or less as Zizek explains it. he's a living shitpost but not an accident. he happened because the Left went to the Critical Theory well one too many times and they pulled a card that they didn't like. the universe has a sense of humor and the Cosmic Balance is for realsies, as is the dialectic.

>Mr OP/girardlad, do you have any thoughts on Hofstadter? Consciousness arising out of self referential feedback loops/metaphor/analogy and all that jazz/Bach?

hofstadter is no question some kind of genius, i tried to get through GEB a while ago, i'm sure if i could understand math i would be shilling him like there's no tomorrow. unfortunately i am a complete math brainlet (and, tbqh, a brainlet in general).

basically i think Hegel was on to something. if you want to go into some of the finer points of Hofstadter tho it would be way cool. it's not only a kind of True Detective/Red String extravaganza here, it's red strings between worlds. if you want to sell anons ITT on Hofstadter go for it. the PoS more or less works for me, but there is more to life than Hegel also.

>Apologies if it's been discussed in previous episodes but I've only been skimming these threads and desu I'm probably not gonna read "all that shit". You know how it is.
i do.

>b/c i honestly can't

but now that you have brought it up, compare and contrast, fellow Acceleration/neo-Confucian/Occult scholars.

>> No.11987021 [View]
File: 774 KB, 2264x3094, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hola gents, girardfag here. i'm going to be back a little later today to ramble about technics, time and probably anxiety too. but I wanted to leave this here in the meantime to plant a little meme-seed in the universe.

i think what I want to talk about relates to this diagram partly because I feel like you could look at this as a kind of White Hat version of the famous CCRU numogram. if there are any art-anons ITT with time to kill a sketch of a mechanical Taiji would also be interesting to think about.

i've just been having this weird feeling about time and neo-confucianism, technology and dialectics, and it kind of relates to this folding of acceleration back on itself to create something like a home brew meme ideology: it's kind of like Society of the Upgrade and yet with a feeling for history that is Cosmo-cyclic rather than evolutionary.

likely more on this later, in a similar vein. think of it like Heidegger Goes East and finds Land there and they wind up stuck in an apartment during a blackout and for some reason they start drawing numograms and really telling each other how they feel. Hegel is there and Kant too.

ok. that's all for now, more cringe schizo-rambling later.

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