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>> No.10391007 [View]
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You do know we're celebrating the 100th anniversary of a major miraculous happening, right? One seen by thousands of people?

>> No.10058900 [View]
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Even when they appear before you?

>> No.10029098 [View]
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As a Catholic, my response is that we know certain things in the Bible aren't metaphors because they've never been taught as metaphors. So, in this instance, Tradition is relied upon to interpret Scripture, where taking Scripture all by itself might lead to the interpretation of which you speak. This is part of why Tradition and Scripture carry equal weight in the Church.

>> No.9969424 [View]
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You should both read theology and examine the long history of the miraculous in the world. You will thus approach the problem of God from both a naturalist and a supernaturalist perspective, and hopefully your twin investigations will meet at the center.

>> No.9943195 [View]
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>It's rather simple. On one hand the smarter Christians figured out the Greeks were right and the universe runs only on natural laws. Miracles cannot exist and there is no free will.

>> No.9940225 [View]
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Nietzsche ultimately lacked faith. He was a kind of Christian, but a Christian who lacked faith in God' s continued operation in the world. If Nietzsche had possessed faith, he wouldn't have been so despondent, and he wouldn't have assessed Christianity the way he did. For one thing, he would have believed that the Holy Spirit was still divinely at work in Christianity, and that it would have ensured continuity from Jesus' own teachings down through the ages.

But that's the terrible burden on all Christians. Do you believe God is REAL, or don't you? Do you believe in the immense, inescapable power of the divine, or don't you? Do you believe in a miraculous, sacramental, supernatural religion, or do you merely believe in dead liturgy?

>> No.9802152 [View]
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It would probably look a bit like what happened at Fatima, which of course culminated in a miracle seen by thousands. Of course I don't know what the Orthodox opinion is on Fatima.

What's interesting is that there were some believers at the Miracle of the Sun who saw nothing, and some atheists who saw the full extent of the miracle. Why? Who knows. The ways of the Lord are sometimes unclear to men.

>> No.9699733 [View]
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No, no, the hellfire is real. Remember, Our Lady of Fatima showed the children a vision of Hell and there was plenty of fire. They said it was genuinely horrifying.

>> No.9477335 [View]
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Is that what atheists call them?

>> No.9351651 [View]
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Well, you know, Fatima. Our Lady of Fatima, when the Virgin Mary miraculously appeared to three kids in Portugal. She gave them visions and told them secrets, and capped it all off with the Miracle of the Sun.


The apparitions are 100 years old this year. Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Fatima in May. May in the West has been devoted to mothers for a long time, hence why Mother's Day is in May. And it's also particularly devoted to Mary.

I'm a devout Catholic. I won't say I completely expect something to happen, but if it does I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.8801760 [View]
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Yeah, this. It's hard to PROVE to anyone that God exists, even when there is, in fact, evidence of it.

Remember the very end of the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man:

>“He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

>“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

>“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

>“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’"

We could show you bleeding Eucharists and weeping statues, but you still would not believe. Think about how many people hear the story of Our Lady of Fatima, and still don't believe. It is the Scriptures and the Church alone which convince.

>> No.8343594 [View]
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There's also the small matter of it being completely real.

>> No.6994017 [View]
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No, because I am a Christian and I believe in eternal life.

That said, the business of dying is probably going to be unpleasant. It would be nice to be assumed into Heaven like the Blessed Virgin. I doubt I'll have any such luck, though.

>> No.6739370 [View]
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Why wouldn't you talk about Christianity on /x/? It's chock full of /x/ related stuff: healings, apparitions, miracles, exorcisms, on and on. Christianity arguably belongs more on /x/ than on /lit/, although I think /x/ would do a shit job with the theology.

Or are you one of those /x/posters who think the board should only be creepypastas and conspiracy theories?

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