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>> No.21018123 [View]
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Alan Moore is an anarchist (which I think has some surface similarities to right-wing reaction in its individualism). Also I thought Guy Fawkes was a middle-class tradcath convert who wanted to restore Papal authority but some Brit has to educate me on that.

Also it's probably not a coincidence the Ron Paul crowd would like to wear Guy Fawkes masks.

The problem anyone trying to organize labor faces today in a country like the U.S. is that the biggest sector of low-wage employment is in services in both urban and rural areas. There are more Arby's employees than coal miners nowadays and these jobs are disproportionately comprised of women and non-white people relative to the population as a whole, so the idea that "the working class" is a cohesive and white nationalist / socially conservative thing doesn't reflect material reality. It's very diverse in all kinds of ways.

White nationalists reacts to the WEF saying "you will own nothing and be happy" because that's basically the monopoly (finance) capitalists telling you that you're about to be proletarianized. Because that's what a proletarian is: someone who owns nothing other than their labor power, are dependent on their employers and indebted to rentiers and landlords, and are expected to be happy and to do the wagie-in-a-cagie dance. Much like a slave. But that was the condition of the black slaves who owned nothing and were expected to act like they enjoyed it and to dance for their white masters.

And if you were white, that wasn't you. You were born free. You're an independent proprietor! (Or planning to be.) I own my own business! But overall it seems that these people need to be re-proletarianized to make up for a long-term (decades long) secular downward trend in the rate of profit that can be even observed in IMF reports if you read them closely. And the middle-class white reactionary base for that doesn't want that to happen, so they want some messiah like Trump to save them. "Save us, Trump!" But he's a false prophet, and I think their kids are basically doomed to wind up in food service and Amazon warehouses instead of becoming astronauts or race car drivers or bikini judges. Because that's necessary to continue wringing enough profits to kick the can down the road a little further so the fat cats can continue being fat cats.

But for all practical purposes, what bonds people together on that basis is primarily material interest, not ideology. That's true for the fat cats, and they realize it. Everybody else has a hard time realizing it. A communist friend of mine who organizes in his union tells me the other guy who is most gung-ho about it has 1776 tattoos and wears shirts like that and this is in the conservative South. So it's true for the working class too.

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