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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1348815 [View]
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>Harry Potter
>Not for Kids


>> No.1315733 [View]
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>implying the average American gets the same level of healthcare as world leaders.

>> No.1305491 [View]
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OP, are you American?

If so, go with 'Trainspotting' to make your teacher rage like a motherfucker!


>> No.1287774 [View]
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>Infinite Jest is a great introduction to post modernism.

>> No.1267226 [View]
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An excellent retort, I stand corrected!
You're just like d&e; name-dropping and intelligent buzzwords might impress the plebian majority but to anyone who knows much about the literary field you just look like an idiot.

But, by all means, carry on trying to appear the smartest guy in special ed. I'm sure the buzz you get helps fill that gaping hole created by your inadequacy.

>> No.1255074 [View]
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>the premise

Congratulations, you've written a paragraph about nothing.
I've no idea what the rest of the piece this is taken from is about, but the only word that describes the extract you've given us is 'redundant'.

If you really must have some solid criticism, I'll give you a few points:
Adverbs - lay the fuck off them. You'll never make it out of the slush pile if you kill your reader with pointless adverbs.

Tighten up your syntax, if your writing is too loose no-one will be compelled to read it. In the example given I had to try very hard to NOT skim over it.

Imagery is nice and all, but you have to make sure it makes sense. Your 'twisted inhabitants', for example, get sucked into the air like 'falling moths'? Not to mention moths generally don't swirl or spin in the dark at all, as their erratic behaviour is caused by light. I can sort-of guess what you were going for but it doesn't work for me, at least.

I'm not slating you or anything OP, just go back over it and see what you come up with. For me, your main offense is the overuse of adverbs - sort that out and the paragraph may work better.

>> No.1251497 [View]
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>I'm very sorry for all of you who automatically dismiss books because you think they are "hipster".

Just so you know, I'd guess there are quite a few people on /lit/ who dismiss 'House of Leaves' because they've actually read this literary car crash. I'll sum the whole damn thing up for you:
Interesting concept, poorly executed.
'The Navidson Record' is good, Truant's interjections are nauseating to anyone that has outgrown teenage angst.
The last 200 pages do more harm than good to what came before them.
Despite any of the bullshit some people come up with, the book is about nothing at all, specifically the utter meaninglessness of literary deconstruction. The very act of trying to make something of these narratives is counter to the novel's intention.

So whatever, just read the damn thing and make up your own mind without resorting to some sort of internet litmus test (on 4fuckingChan of all places).
All I can say is, if you have any sort of expectations for this book, you will be quite disappointed.

>> No.1229552 [View]
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As you're just starting adulthood, don't you think it's time you stopped reading children's books?

>> No.1219762 [View]
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>/new/ is also pretty smart.

Goddamn, you must be really dumb.

>> No.1195619 [View]
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This one made me fuckin lol!

Passion of the New Eve

>Rampaging feminism that bears no resemblance to any kind of reality, let alone this one. This novel puts forward literally no new ideas, and as it tries to do so succeeds at nothing but laugh-inducing ignorance. So perhaps my one-star rating is a tad too harsh, as there is quite a bit of unintentional fun to be had at Carter's expense. Read only if you enjoy self-mutilation and rather like the taste of bile rising in the back of your throat.

Butthurt misogynist is VERY butthurt. Just imagining the look on this asshole's face as I tried reading this novel makes me very happy indeed.

>> No.1178998 [DELETED]  [View]
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>mfw OP jumps from Shakespeare straight to Dickens.

Cool story, OP; I lol'd

>> No.1148444 [View]
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>implying you didn't give yourself away.

I think you're forgetting /lit/ is the board most likely to house linguists. But no worries, I'll not say anymore on the subject.

>> No.1130294 [View]
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I've got to admit it; I lol'd.

Anyway, OP, I suggest something like "Metamorphoses", in my opinion it's a decent first step into Classics. Sure, you can read it in English, but it'll make you feel like a boss if you read it in Latin.

>> No.1112979 [View]
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The question is did you just get trolled or are you an elaborate counter-troll, making me the one who was trolled?

>> No.1076821 [View]
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Mate, I wish I was trolling.
One day you'll look back on this music and facepalm so hard.
Though we're all guilty of listening to shit in our youth I suppose; when I was at college I loved Mad Capsule Markets.

Never mind, no offence bro - enjoy it while it lasts!

>> No.1066462 [View]
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>Finnegans Wake

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