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>> No.18967148 [View]
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Hey /lit/ I've checked on several subreddits, /k/, /pol/, /his/ and had no luck so I thought I would check here:

Has much been written about, or anyone heard much about, US special forces operations in Central America in the 1980s when the US was fighting a proxy-war against Nicaragua and aiding various friendly dictators around the rest of the region?

I've come across a few things mentioned within broader works:

* In Holly Sklars book Washingtons War on Nicaragua and Leslie Cockburns Out of Control both make reference to the 160th Aviation Regiment operating in Nicaragua in support of the Contras, with Sklars book alleging that many of the training accidents the unit was experiencing in its early days were in fact a cover up of personnel being shot down.

* I have also seen scattered references to a similar, or maybe they were part of the same overall project, "Operation Elephant Herd" which allegedly transferred Vietnam War surplus light attack planes from the Air Force to the CIA and then flown in Nicaragua by either CIA (probably Air America veterans or Cuban exiles) or Alabama Air National Guard personnel (if it were Alabama Air National Guard that is interesting because the 20th Special Forces Group is a National Guard unit based in Alabama and is part of the Southern Command which is responsible for Central and South America, and also if you want to get real conspiratorial well then it is air bases in Alabama that are where the Contra supply flights returning with cocaine are alleged to have landed)

* Eric Haney in his book Inside Delta Force describes leading an attack on a Sandinista camp on the Honduran border, in fact he goes on to claim that he found among the dead a man he went through Delta training with and speculated the man had been a CIA infiltrator among the Sandinistas.

But these are only short mentions within wider works, has there been anything devoted to the matter?

Or if nobody knows specifics does anyone know how I would go about trying to find out more? What sort of resources should I check?

>> No.15001683 [View]
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>trying to defend Kissinger

>> No.12328523 [View]
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>> No.10930312 [View]
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For fuck sake, American intervention didn't just happened in South America too you know

>it is better to follow the right wingers and resist
Porky please

>> No.10794249 [View]
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>Conquer Latin America and clean things up
Apart from Venezuela(dept of state, CIA, "colombia" and other corporate attack dogs are hard at work to change this) and to lesser extent Ecuador and Costa Rica, all of Latin America is owned by the "US"(TRANSNATIONAL BUSINESS)
It's been like this for a long time.
The problem is those poorfags just won't keep their heads in the dirt where they belong and keep forming problematic workers and ecological movements. So all we can really do is make sure our allies have all the gear they need to oppress and terrorize those dirty shitskins that are so bad at living they are poor, like lol shitskins.
Anyways if we cleaned the place up we would have a serious problem with justice and other bullshit. Things are very close to perfect as far as the United States of America is concerned.

>> No.10787255 [View]
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