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>> No.17246071 [View]
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>nice buzz words, Kiddo
4 years of blatant Mainstream media propaganda from networks that have been feeding you nothing but materialistic hedonism indoctrination & reality dysphoria all your life really did a number on you.

If you haven't realized the media lies & is a private business, it's not a public service though they'd love you believe it is.

Capitol hill was about concerned citizens feeling unheard & disenfranchised by a media that constantly hates & slanders them & government officials that are supposed to have a duty/responsibility to address those concerns and objectively without personal bias act as representatives of the publics voice no matter who they are.

>Capitol Hill only had 1 death which was a Veteran Female Mom who served 4 tours and 14 years
>yet nobody will say her name on the media or shout and protest for justice for her but they will a hardened abused who was a drug addicted gang member (George Flyod)
a woman was shot by a federal agent who lost their cool with a single shot. She bleed to death choking on her own blood.
The MSM claim that 5 cops died in the protest, which is false and the claim denounced by Capital Hill PD.

>Capitol hill was no different then the intial BLM unrest and anguish expressed by the black city communities earlier in the year, Just he other side of politics & with reversed natarative spin.
The BLM Riots lasted months
The BLM riots kills dozens & injured hundreds of innocents, destroyed/bankrupted many already weakened small businesses, and was all over the death of random African American gang criminals with no respect for anyone or the law who are the worst possible people to use as martyrs society has to offer.

George Flyod OVERDOSED ON FENTYNAL a RESPIRATORY DEPRESSANT DRUG meant to prevent over oxygenation and slow respiratory output for surgery.
Its only given in micro doses it is so potent.

Its no surprise some think it was/is a leftist insurrection of the government in power/ running the show via voter fraud in November when neoliberalism, communism, and mental illness through mental gymnastics is the norm blared 24/7 on News Media/pubic debate nation wide.

When there has been nothing but hate for a rough around the edges & poor speech skill president trying to do their best for a country despite constant hate, a unexpected pandemic outbreak worldwide, & constant fear mongering against him for not being a career politician. You really need to take things you hear and believe due to your narrow worldview with a pinch of salt and a bit of sugar too sometimes.

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