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>> No.12400685 [View]
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Interesting stuff, always been interested in Land but everytime I try and look into it it's just nonsense to me. Not as in it's actual nonsense just to my pleb mind it is. Anywhere to start with Land? Like a semi-easy introduction as well as a reading list to know before I get into Land? I know I can just download shit online I just don't get the same experience out of reading stuff online than I do with the organic paper.

Also I'm reading Hamsun's Growth of the Soil, and it's speaking to my heart very much. Even if it has been bastardized and associated with skinheads and nazi larpers, I just deeply love the concept of Blut und Boden, of the authentic connection between a people and their land. It's sure outdated now but I'm just bringing it up as I find all this Land autism just to be so far out from anything I identify with politically. That's more of just a ramble than a critique but still interesting stuff thanks lad.

>I'm still waiting for "convincing" things that justify more metaphysical commitments
I imagine my aforementioned friend would bring up the logos, and the eternal metaphysical logic of the universe. Like he would hold the Kantian view that 2+2=4 and will always equal to that everywhere in the universe. Would the Process Philosophy approach to dispute that yeah?
>it is precisely the theology of the Orthodox which is most obsessed with mystery
Okay well I get that they heavily critique empiricism and this sort of autistic enlightenment scientism, but they don't seem to replace that with Relativism. Take a guy like Jay Dyer for instance (my friend's bae), the guy knows his shit and links Platonic and Aristotelian metaphysics with Orthodox theology. He references St Damascus a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1471Vd-6Fo

Thanks for the responses anyway. If I could pull another question of you, a rather crude one I'm afraid, what exactly are some of the clear political or social implications of a lot of Process Philosophy in your view? I know I'm jumping to conclusions but I'm just working things through. Because I know there's a lot of talk of coming to all these incredible realizations and that, like I hear people talking about how identity is ultimately futile in the Process Philosophy perspective. Would this be true, is there no we or me in Process Philosophy if everything is relative and changing? Just curious.

Also one last question (in this post): a process philosopher like Deleuze (if he is one), is he an empiricist? As his philosophy is of course a detailed analysis of reality through direct perception, yet he makes pretty grand claims about the metaphysical nature of reality, so he seems to fuse rationalism and empiricism pretty interesting. I know that's a vague question apologies.

>> No.12031295 [View]
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u wot, I literally don't know what you mean. I know Peterson and Franzen are plebtier but they're a couple of the only popwriters I actually know and enjoy

----------Hence why I'm asking you guys for any recommendations for better writers--------------

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