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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10524893 [View]
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>Leaves out the fact that Bergoglio is a Jesuit.

>> No.10492568 [View]
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agreed its not like the cold war. Its a situation where a small country is trying to survive by making entry into the MAD club. The problem is these weapons are real and you dont make it into the MAD club by only bluffing, you get in by being a legitimate threat, like the cuban crisis proved. Now still, before NK wasnt much of a threat, but now we have a president who unironically thinks the issue is trivial and worth escalating through fucking tweets, while at the same time, NK is making steady progress toward actually being a threat. Think about the grand context of the entire NK situation, and think about how absolutely absurd and reckless it is to risk escalation by way of dumb ass tweets. Dont lump me into the huffpo camp where nuclear annihilation is only days away, I am this concerned because even one bomb dropped as a result of the ignorant mishandling of this type of situation would be one of the stupidest and most destructive things to happen in human history.

>> No.10482739 [View]
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>> No.10185259 [View]
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Well shit..

>> No.9972966 [View]
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>doesn't understand the meme

>> No.9768929 [View]
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Holy shit
>All that Halo stuff
What in the fuck am I looking at

>> No.9164049 [View]
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I did a year of Latin and ancient history. Realised everyone in my courses were either dumb thotties or just trying to get a credit off on their arts degree. Was very demoralising and now I'm learning how to jew people in business instead of following my dreams (laughgirls.jpg).

>> No.9129054 [View]
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>> No.9103918 [View]
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Let's not ruin her as we did the other one. Can we?

>> No.9066077 [View]
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>on 4chan
>not being a contrarian


>> No.9007608 [View]
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hhhhmmmmm ok

>> No.8975504 [View]
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>> No.8971449 [View]
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Nick Land is an antiphilospher and antihuman.

If you're looking for a savior, you're not doing Nick Land right.

>> No.8967106 [View]
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>your a moron

>> No.8948125 [View]
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>tell everyone I want to be a writer
>have manuscript of half finished, terrible book I haven't touched in four years.
>friends think I am a great writer
>never read the manuscript because "not finished"
>own over 300 books
>only read 100 in the past 6 years
>understood maybe 15
>smoke weed
>play vidya
>never write
>never read
>mfw I think I am going to be a success

>> No.8891510 [View]
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How do you cope with the fact that everything is phony (inb4 dismissed for being like Holden)?

Literary theory is bs made up so that people can leech off of academia and get easy degrees.

Social scientists are idiots and weaponised by dishonest journalists as the new secular prophets telling people what to think / why they're shit. Psychiatry / psychology has become an infinitely malleable mental masturbation wank toy for pseudo intellectuals who like trying to draw conclusions in subject areas with near enough infinite variables.

Morality is never practised. A politician who kills innocent people is more popular than one who says politically incorrect things. Historians, even today, worship Hitler, Napoleon, and Julius Caesar.

So many current novels are merely narcissistic barely disguised memoirs or written by people with zero life experience.

Science and maths are practised mostly within hideously subsidised and bloated academic institutions.

Sex and portrayals of success are shoved in your face wherever you go through songs and pictures. But you're not allowed to say you want any of it.

90+ % of jobs could be done by everyone and only recruit based on looks and personality. Your genetically determined appearance factors are the largest influence of how people treat you, yet this is never acknowledged.

Literature is not an oasis, not one bit.

We live in a time where the individual matters less than ever, everywhere. People join the army for personal gratification and to feel safe in "the system" like regular wageslaves yet we live in the age of nukes.

You are mercilessly mocked and judged based on your job's social status and other economic aspects ("Bob from Grimsby" as a joke).

"Education", the idea, is pushed as an absolute good yet almost everything in the education system up to the age of 18 is stamp collecting nonsense. Your undergrad university basically brands you. It is depressing to see countless Wikipedia articles for entire universities, some of which I've never heard of, with their giant campuses filled with dumb normie students who will do fuck all, doing mostly subjects that have no objective criteria. I skip straight to the photos of the campuses rather than the statistics. The entire system is becoming a more and more efficient personal branding mechanism.

>> No.8862783 [DELETED]  [View]
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When did you realise that the ideal of being well read was a harmful meme propagated by the academia-media-publishing industrial complex?

"Good peon... Focus on the barely disguised narcissistic memoirs of some dead person... Books are mind enriching... Consume more books... Never mind that the information age has made a mockery of information's value as a commodity among people... You're just so curious about the world and such a voracious reader, aren't you, peasant...

That psychologist's new 400 page book based on lab experiments and that could be summarised in 5 pages has been read by most people at your local cafe! Imagine the embarrassment if they find out you haven't read it... You're right, enjoyment is an immature state... That continental philosopher has such profound and non trivial insights about our society, it seems like you now have another 12 books on your "must read" list in order to be well read... Don't forget the conservative tradition, that's another 20 books you must read... No, don't ask any meta-questions or ask whether they work within self referential citation ring systems with unfalsifiable theories and trivial insights; bad peasant! Your dinner party guests would be shocked to hear that!

This 1200 page post-modern masterpiece references 500 works that you must also read before you die... No, don't fall asleep while reading it! The cover quote calls it, "Frequently hilarious!" Maybe you haven't read enough to fully appreciate it?"

>> No.8725599 [View]
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What is life?

>> No.8705629 [DELETED]  [View]
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Who else went to a lower ranked university or did a subject they hated and regret it massively?

I went to my nearest university. I feel ripped off even though I paid literally nothing for it. Compared to good universities the courses were light on content and depth. In the UK all universities and subject courses arent standardised. You dont always have maths / physics / engineering students all taking the same Calc 1 (etc.) class in first year. You get "[Subject] for Engineers" and so on. So they feel free to skip shitloads of stuff (at the bad universities). They skip shitloads of stuff. I remember being in the third or fourth year of my degree, doing this really stamp collecty course and then having this crushing demoralised feeling when looking at the exam papers for Cambridges maths degree in third and fourth year. It was like staring at the secrets of the universe in comparison with my own course, which was a big fat joke.

I remember overhearing two students talking in my first year. One of them said that people who go to the library were "weird". Of course when the new shiny library opened up it was a normie haven. The old library was too small and run down yet had a lot of free space because nobody went there.

Of course your university matters a lot for how many job interviews you get. Why does /sci/ or /biz/ never mention this factor? Someone who does history of art at cambridge would find it easier becoming an investment banker / other high paying job than someone who does mathematics at a lower ranked place.

>> No.8664897 [View]
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>> No.8612532 [View]
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>tfw literally took a gender studies paper just so I could listen to the professor's voice because she felt so good to listen to

>> No.8446147 [View]
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>postmodern authors

>> No.8389796 [View]
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well played

>> No.8334616 [View]
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I love you too anon. I know you want me to believe that you really do but even if that is true it is only because you don't know how despicable I really am. Your love would wane in a matter of weeks of knowing me (just like any affection anyone has shown me in my adult life has ebbed away the more they got to know me). i need to get used to being a miserable loner autist and grow some stoic balls.

good for you.

time to go get drunk and hope that I can acquiesce to being an unloved monster like a stoic would.

Speaking of the stoics: I feel as if their philosophy is directly related to "feeling less passionately" about things. To reduce the extent to which you attach value or meaning to things so that they don't affect you as much as a defence against grief. When you do that, don't you lose something? Something that makes us human? I know that loss of feeling is advantageous to miserable and sad people because it alleviates pain but I sometimes question whether I would want to be a numb, detached, indifferent stoic PR a miserable loner who takes risks in getting to know people, loving them and failing over and over in a cycle.

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