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>> No.22746093 [View]
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I need some advice because I just realised how ungodly shitty my narration is

Ok so my story is a kind of sci fi-esque anti romance tale about a guy who lost his wife (the only thing he ever loved genuinely, and one of the few people who cares for him) and now he throws every aspect of his life in the ground trying to use his high tier programming skills into "remaking" an AI that can talk and act like his deceased wife, he cant, he can only make vile and surface level wish fulfiment cartoony versions of his wife, who are just retarded surface level copies he dismisses, he gets fired from his job, fights with his family and friends, denies an actual romance from a woman who was the very last person to put up with this shitshow until he ends the story alone sitting in his own dogshit apartment filled with mechanic parts, papers and a wish fulfiment robot wife thats nothing but memories he will never have again

However I dont know how to piece this whole thing together, im good at writing feelings and interactions and narrating (well, depends, im terrible with objective descriptions so my whole thing is emotional driven narrator that comments on how the others feel very subjectivly), I cant come up with a plot or what they should even do really, I have the synopsis I have everythig nailed down I just have no clue what to do with the characters aside from "they met at the office" and "they went to a bar" and nothing but talking nonsense for 20 pages

Symbolism is bad too, im just changing a lot pf details on the thing after I realised seagulls arent good or compelling symbolism (seagulls live off trash and mud huts but they used to be associated with beautiful beaches before humans fucked it up with cities), the first 2 or so pages were me explaining im vivid detail the seagull symbolism followed by the mc complaining a seagull shat on his suit

Btw if you have any ideas or critiques im open since I never talk about writing IRL

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