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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14565082 [View]
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>meet the most beautiful girl of my entire life
>instantly fall in love with her
>absolutely perfect Catholic /lit/ qt
>over months manage to talk to her, get her number, and ask her on a date
>she says yes and we have it 2 days ago
>happiest I've ever felt, being with her feels perfect
>spend all night with her exploring and talking, brought a book on Kierkegaard for her
>at the end of the date she leaves unexpectedly and dodges suggestions for another date, doesn't try to follow up
>text her asking how she really feels today
>she wants to "just remain friends"
>ask her why
>"I just don't feel that way about you"

I've never once been rejected, and wouldn't it figure that it's by a girl like this. I've never felt much emotions for anyone, and yet God put a fire in my heart for this girl just to show me how amazing it would be to be with her and then rip it from my hands. Why the fuck did I have to meet her. Why the fuck was I given such an insatiable head over heels infatuation for her. Why the fuck did she even agree to go. Why the fuck did I think I was worthy of anything other than having to either settle with some deracinated hedonistic thot or die alone. Everything else in my life is going fantastic and yet none of it matters. All I feel like doing is sticking my head on railroad tracks

>> No.11011034 [View]
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>be me
>pick up Harry Potter for the first time in my life
>actually finding it comfy

What the fuck, lads? Am I a pseud and a manchild?

>> No.9734457 [View]
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Anyone else in love with the idea of reading books but don't actually read books or very rarely read books? I set my goal to be 20 books for this year and I only read 2 so far and one was just a novella.

>> No.8486139 [View]
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>many chances to get laid
>too much porn in my life made me feel like real life stuff just doesn't deliver
>always get nervous and lose my erection when I am about to put it in
>frustrated because even though I have no problem getting a girl to say yes I still can't move on to the real stuff

>> No.8351039 [View]
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>tfw you will never grow old to play Ahab in a high-quality adaptation of Moby-Dick

>> No.8252832 [View]
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How do I /plot/? I fucking can't think of a story myself.

>> No.7531416 [View]
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>tfw I failed A1 german in college

>> No.7507870 [View]
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I've been planning to quit.
Pretty much everyone in my family, with the exception of my parents, complain about how useless, lazy, and worth-for-nothing I am. The fact that I never had a job (23 y/o) is what they usually bring up, with the fact that I hardly care about family matters that seem to upset everybody. Also, people usually finish college at 21, but I'm still there, which kind of put me down.

The plan was drop college and get a job, not to please them (although it seem that's what they want) but to move away soon and never speak to them again.

>nice blog entry m8
I'm sorry

>> No.7505516 [View]
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My aunt helen used to come to Christmas and Thanksgiving every year. I'm not quite sure how she was my aunt, but somehow it added up. I think she was in her nineties, she had to have been. She had this tic where she would constantly smack her lips. And smack seems like too aggressive a word for it, because it was much more gentle than that, looked like a puppy eating peanut butter. She'd be doing it at any given moment. Whenever we'd be opening Christmas presents we'd do it in a row, where mom would open one, then dad, then my brother and so on, but she had this habit where she would quietly open her presents without waiting for her turn. And she did it every year without fail, and we'd always laugh because it was so incredibly sweet and cute. She'd always save the wrapping paper and take it back to her old folks home with her.
She passed away a few years ago and my mom told me that her kids never visited her, and her grand kids didn't either. They didn't even visit her when she was dying in a hospice. I went to visit her with my dad there and I started crying when I was telling her that I loved her, saying goodbye, and my dad did too and she was drifting in and out of sleeping, and I wanted her to hear me, but I knew that she knew I loved her.
She'd spend the whole year in her old folks home and coming to my house was her only outing. And we were just barely related to her and she loved us very much. And she was so appreciative to the meals that my mom would make. She really loved us and she expressed it too.
It's strange and sweet when you only have good memories of someone. I miss her.

>> No.7366108 [View]
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Who /spooked/ here?

>tfw can't get rid of spooks

>> No.7025216 [View]
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I'm sorry

>> No.6932501 [View]
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I want to have aspergers.

How can I make myself an aspie?

>> No.6820490 [View]
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>tfw this cunt gets published and I'll never be


>> No.6760645 [View]
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>tfw only speak three languages

>> No.6726039 [View]
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>tfw always have the need to correct people around me and prove that I am right

Any books that will make me do this less?

>> No.6723717 [View]
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>>core reason for not doing it is because of the investment that my parents put into me, and the effect it would have on my living family

>> No.6623293 [View]
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>> No.6594563 [View]
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>tfw bought all Malazan books instead of some classics

>> No.6552299 [View]
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I've made a thread like this a few months ago and the same shit happened.

>> No.6520509 [View]
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W-why did he keep talking about me? ;_;

>> No.6517107 [View]
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Why is art so illogical?

>> No.6459313 [View]
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>Thanks for submitting your work to us. >Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your work for our next issue.


>Foliate Oak Literary Magazine Editors

It hurts

>> No.6435723 [View]
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I may be a faggot bitch for doing so (although I'm not OP), but this thread inspired me to order:

Letters from a Stoic - Seneca (Penguin Classics ed.)
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor E Frankl
Discourses, Fragments, Handbook - Epictetus (Robin Hard trans., Oxford World Classics ed.)

I've had a thirst for books full of advice on how to navigate our struggles and the wider world for a while - though not those shitty self-help books. This thread also reminded me that I wanted to get into stoicism.
I guess it's because I'm self-obsessed and studying myself is my favourite subject.

Now to be a hypocrite: OP, many of the posters are right in saying that books will only lead to more over thinking (I know this but am swallowing the pill anyway). Depression requires action, and physical activity is a good place to start. However, I do believe certain books can equip one with the life lessons and outlooks to be stronger - especially the lessons handed down by those who have faced far greater hardships than we ever will and survived.

>> No.6360718 [View]
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>tfw you will never chase the White Whale with Ahab

How do I cope with this?

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