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>> No.15909209 [View]
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Okay, I don't know if I can keep up with the Iron Dragon's Daughter anymore. Did I fall for a YA book?
I don't mind that it's urban fantasy, but there are goblins playing ska music ffs. Posters of some "Bryan Faust" playing a Stratocaster guitar. Ouija boards. "Descartier" luxury wristwatches. A parfume called Merde du Temps. Orcs and dwarves talking in Top Gun aviation lingo. "Cyborg hounds".
It's so poorly written I don't know where to start. Fuck the retard who said I shouldn't call Swanswick amateur. Look at this terrible prose and judge for yourself
>Her throat cottony and dry ... the night air seemed velvety warm, soft and inviting
>Jane felt a panicky inability to catch her breath.
>She felt for them a sentiment so delicate and strong that it could only be called love.
>The smell of chalk dust was harsh in Jane's nostrils, a statistical effluvium of dead molecules suspended in the still air.
>Jane asked wonderingly.
>He was waging this fight entirely by electronic countermeasure technology.

The plotting can be pretty cringe, but he's not altogether bad when describing pure action. It's when he tries any tricks to make his shitty prose a little more melodious, a little more poetic. He fails almost every single time. The words are just there for the use of a thesaurus and to fill a space. There was a description of a fart more precise than any other previous attempt.
It's like a crappy mix between Mathilda and pic related.

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