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>> No.7196998 [View]
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I want off this ride. I just want to help my family live well and contribute to the community that's contributed to me. I don't want to see it all burn so "intellectual" pussies can live out their equivalent of zombie-apocalypse fantasies.

This. Getting your feelings manipulated by big-eyed cartoons isn't engaging with yourself and other people.

>> No.7051988 [View]
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tbh I like to bitch and drink wine myself. Hoover and most of the Birmingham suburbs are pretty sterile, though, so I get your grip. Real curious where you go now though, since I'd expect Hooverites to be at Bama, Samford or BSC. I'd post pics of dead animals but I got banned for that last time.

I studied biology. I'm gonna be hypocritical and refuse to tell you where I went because so few people from AL go there in a given year that I'd seriously be doxing myself.

>> No.7029136 [View]
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Why are engineers such autisms, /lit/? I don't think any pure science field is nearly as full of weebs and GRRM fans as engineering fields, and mathematics at my university was mostly jocks going into finance plus a few super geniuses who had better things to do with their spare time than anime and vidya. Engineers were all weird as hell and thought they were super hot shit because they had to take oppressively narrow technical classes that everyone else flinched at the though of because they sounded so boring.

I know engineers who make a quarter million dollars a year and still think that educating their children means making sure they play the right video games and read Terry Pratchett and the Star Wars expended universe books.

>> No.6950822 [View]
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It really shouldn't be, but theres so much stigma surrounding it.

>> No.6913615 [View]
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Is that even a question?

>> No.6843203 [View]
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>reading books by authors with MFAs
It's like you want to be a mindslave to the CIA and your capitalist overlords.

>> No.6836712 [View]
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The huge majority of women will not be happy for long without "rewarding" men who the perceive as valuable. Even the most outspoken straight feminists I know have "standards" for their partners that somehow end up fitting the same mold of the successful, healthy white man but maybe with a nose piercing or slightly longer hair than average.

You as a male feminist are clinging to some feel-good nonsense you were told in the third grade to keep boys from pulling girls hair too much. Women have needs that aren't just a modern social construct, and you're trying to make it harder and harder for men to satisfy those needs while pressuring women to deny their own desires. You aren't liberating anyone, you're suppressing the closest thing each sex has to a "reason for existence" (inb4 only plebs care about sexual desire; most people are pretty simple) and then getting frustrated when the masses don't get with the program.

>> No.6747240 [View]
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"So I know GR is like $30 but you should buy it because it's just soooo much better than my other books. What's the matter, don't you want to read the "good" Pynchon, goy?"

>> No.6729268 [View]
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Nationalism is just "good fences make good neighbors" on the macro scale. Ideally it allows nations to foster their own cultures in their own borders while making it dangerous to disrespect another nation's ways and people while you're there to do business, without the messiness of trying to have groups who dislike each other live in the same neighborhoods. Unfortunately it can be turned to other purposes by the ambitious.

>> No.6729194 [View]
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