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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23970196 [View]
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>Call me Ishmael
>See the child
>Sing to me of the man, Muse
>A screaming comes across the sky
>It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
>Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins
>Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead

>> No.23782941 [View]
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Do you ever tell stories from novels to girls like it happened to you? For example how you almost freezed to death in alps and for that retell exactly the chapter from Magic Mountain? I do love reading but women do not love insecure men without life experience outside of books, so why not make books your life literally?

>> No.21997756 [View]
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What do you do after reading a book to better assimilate its content? I highlight interesting passages and write my own notes on margins and after i finish book i write "goodreads review" which is just expansion on all of my notes in a book and bringing up passages to comment out to it or to prove my point.
But i wonder if its effective, because it takes me 4 or 6 hours to review short book like that, many of highlighted passages are no longer that interesting to me when i read it back, and notes on margins seems more mundane and not very smart on reread. I end up with longwinded review, full of nonsense resembling automatic writing, probably full of misintepretation and downright false info if i dont fully know some historical context. Well what can i do, its just my hobby, i am not fulltime researcher.
Its also so boring, i feel like such a loser, spending my saturday this way, while i could be out there scoring chicks and doing drugs.

>> No.21398864 [View]
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I still have points from the last thread
What do i do with them

>> No.21386647 [View]
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>If a corporation is controlled and owned by White Men, which is true of pretty much all major companies worldwide,

>> No.21328596 [View]
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Ok, so let me get it straight. I am supposed to wagecuck 8h a day, 5 days per week + mandatory selflearning in totally unrelated technical field, and then i have to spend weekends writing essays based on notes left on book margins i read? Because there is no way i would remember what the fuck Marx, Hegel, Kant, Nick Land, Debord or Baudrillard are even talking about excluding simplest wikipedia-tier back-of-the-cover-tier summary. Is there any reason for normal person to read anything else than simplest novels and poetry?

>> No.21278941 [View]
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Which book will help me cope with a fact, that i wasted 10 years of my life in front of computer barely leaving mother basement?

>> No.21063474 [View]
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what is the antonym of 'fiendish'?

what is the antonym of 'feeding'?

>> No.20621965 [View]
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Yesterday i did 200mg of tramadol and drank 2 bottles of vodka with friends and some rum. I fall sleep and got some fucked up long dream. First part was taking place in classroom and it was quite complex and forgot most of it. I think it was some sort of brainwashing class and i had to watch adds of pharmacies about supplements and vacinesm, therapies, weight loss programs etc. I tried to fight this brainwashing with bible and then some jew showed up, he said only jews know Bible and can fight with it. Then i referenced some story from Old Testament to show him wrong. Then jew exploded and Bible fall down on floor i tried to open it, but instead of pages it was full of blood and big monster eyes, and big teeths and tongues, it looked like bloody half book half monster. Then i showed cross on wall slowly turning into monster. First from 2 sides of cross started to grow long bloody arms that first looked like penises until hands showed on ends of it. At the end that cross-monster fall down on floor it looked pathetic and mutilated like between gremlin and aborted child and it was forming balls from its disgusting saliva.
What it all meant? What are some books with similiar atmosphere?

>> No.20310825 [View]
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What are some hidden gems that you wouldn't tell the undeserving normies about

>> No.20294347 [View]
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Finding a cool yt channel about books is like finding a diamond in a sandmine. It's filled with trannies gays and feminists
It's all so tiresome

>> No.20152769 [View]
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>> No.20000895 [View]
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>This page was intentionally left blank

>> No.19881014 [DELETED]  [View]
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>be me
>was worrying about work all week but managed to get through it without being fired or told I'd be fired
>ended up with kind of a celebratory feeling on Friday afternoon; spent 30 to 60 minutes of it browsing internet with feet up
>work finished, applied for 10 jobs while drinking coffee
>went walking for 1 hour and 40 minutes in the dark evening; was unexpectedly cold; listened to most recent Richard Spencer Twitter space
>ended walk by buying some junk food from shiny supermarket and eating it at home
>hadn't exercised since Sunday (inb4 Americans mention walking)
>play vidya until after midnight, sleep
>wake up on Saturday morning after only 8 hours of sleep; expected more because worry and caffeine and browsing internet in mornings made sleep shitty during weekdays
>browse internet
>eat regular food and some junk food
>play vidya for a few hours; totally hooked on a sequel to a game I loved many years ago
>go driving outside; go for walk in park in the cold while listening to podcasts
>enjoy the daylight
>drink coffee in car
>go to gym
>heavy lifting goes well
>drive to store, buy junk food, ate some of it while browsing internet
>wasted rest of evening on internet, sleep
>woke up at 9.30 on Sunday morning; Sunday mourning starts early
>browse internet, go outside and drive and drink coffee in car while reading book but feel cramped
>read at home
>eat food and some junk food
>do chores
>go walking for less than an hour
>go to gym, lift heavy weights
>buy junk food from supermarket; eat it
>sugar and pepsi max has dulled the work dread (not a busy week either; only worries are a few meetings where I may be told I will be fired)
>now browsing internet and will go to bed

I saw "rich upper class high-fashion-magazine-advert-larper" Twitter and felt demoralised about being an ugly slug.

I had two job interviews in the past week and have another upcoming. I have failed 11 of them in the past two and a half months.

>> No.19875797 [View]
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You will never be the blood and body of Christ

>> No.19806557 [View]
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Millenials describe their personalities in terms of Hogwarts' houses.

>> No.19750324 [View]
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I bought more expensive than usual spring water and now I can't open the bottle. Books for this feel?

>> No.19628003 [DELETED]  [View]
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I just did the Mensa Norway IQ test and got 128 points. Is it enough to have any hopes of amounting to something in philosophy or literature?

>> No.19623446 [View]
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Are there any books that explain why exactly relativism and nihilism are bad things? I've seen many essays and articles bemoaning the loss of shared value system and partisan nature of contemporary politics but I have no idea why these are bad things. If anything they seem to be positive developments because they allow us to express ourselves more fully than before.

>> No.19620518 [View]
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>Girl gives you love letter
>Reply with a critique

>> No.19580341 [View]
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Are there any books that explain why despite the fact that positivism and Enlightenment have been BTFO countless times ideas such as "scientific" policies, religious tolerance, progress and betterment of mankind still have very good press among normal people?

>> No.19566135 [View]
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I'm the loser turned hero character but the author went on a hiatus just before the hero part.

>> No.19511271 [View]
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I have no idea what Squid Game is about. The only series I've ever watched in my life was a Polish 1960s TV series called "Four Tank-Men and a Dog". I don't have Netflix nor do I desire to have it. Even if I did I wouldn't be able to pay for it. 90% of conversations among my peers revolve around these series and I am completely alienated from them because I don't watch them. Recently a girl unmatched me on Tinder because I told her I don't watch Netflix

>> No.19502340 [View]
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I don't eat beans because when I do I have very smelly farts afterwards

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