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>> No.11795388 [View]
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Is Bronze Age Mindset worth reading?

>> No.11751776 [View]
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>Born too late to explore the seas
>Born too early to explore the stars
>Born just in time to genocide the Millenials, Gen Xers and Boomers
I cannot fucking wait for the generational war. Gen Z is going to blow through you faggots

>> No.11366673 [View]
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>currency is the lubricant of the desire processing computer that is capitalism. Or rather, the 0's and 1's, flowing through the system and arranging themselves in specific expressions of desire through power.

yup. capitalism: the computer that processes desire, and cities are the microprocessors. what does that make us? god only knows.

>people that write these kinds of things pretty obviously haven't actually read the material that came out of the ccru during the 90s and the turn of the millennium

i have read the CCRU stuff, i just find it kind of boring. tastes vary, of course, but the first half of fanged noumena is way better.

>landian stuff is "nightmarecore" or whatever gay name you dweebs invented, it was almost celebratory. land was (is) ecstatic about the acceleration of capital. "alienated and loving it," one of the crru essays goes, iirc. they were, like, libertarian deleuzians or something. their target was the sclerosis of traditional continental academia and all that, not anything that humanity is going to undergo.

horrorcore sounds better. but it's a good point, true. re-reading the 1844 manuscripts reminds me how savage young marx was. there's an essay in here literally entitled, 'For a Ruthless Criticism of Everything Existing.' he wasn't playing around either and it holds up well.

>this attempt to subsume land/ccru back under a marxist project or reading, and the explicit sjw-ish leftism of all the u/acc or second-wave accelerationist people (moslty bloggers) is so silly and pathetic because they were trying to overcome or bypass marxism as a project. it, evidently, doesn't fit back in without turning shoddy, half-baked and spurious. even your reading of marx sucks lol.

but land kind of subsumes himself back under a marxist project, no? teleoplexy is very much this, and essays like the one on transcendental miserabilism seem basically to shit on everyone who *isn't* taking a hard-line materialist approach to the subject. and i'm hardly optimistic about l/acc or u/acc. for what it's worth. i *do* think that re-reading some old-school marx actually is a good idea in reading land threads (and even hegel also).

has bronze age pervert made YOU ARE GAY the hot new insult of 2018? feels good to be on the cutting edge.

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