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>> No.16277897 [View]
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I follow Plato's Sophist, in that anyone who denies the "world of forms" denies truth itself of any form; and by themselves refute themselves. What then this is in more detail can be debated. Sophist and Philebus has "all" the answers to Plato's higher metaphysics.

Depends on the question.
Plato was an Orphic, or "at least" revered 'Orpheus' as an equal to Homer and Hesiod. But he was well aware of the, already his time, inflation of mysteries and books claiming to be the Original poems.
>If anyone arriving in Hades will have escaped from those who call themselves jurymen here, and will find those true jurymen who are said to sit in judgment there, Minos and Rhadamanthus and Aeacus and Triptolemus and the other demi-gods who have been upright in their own life, would that be a poor kind of change? Again, what would one of you give to keep company with Orpheus and Musaeus, Hesiod and Homer? I am willing to die many times if that is true

>> No.15926329 [View]
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Both and Neither

>Within the multi-dimensional hierarchy of theophanies, inside the differentiated body of Ptah (to say it in accordance with the Egyptian Ramesside concept of divine transcendence and immanence, the declaration that ‘All is One’), Dionysus is both the cause of individual life and the cause of deliverance. He appoints the term of the imprisonment for
as long as it is better for embodied souls to be under restraint, in view of the final goal, which is deliverance by Dionysus (Damascius In Phaed. I.12.1–3).
>The final goal for the contemplative philosopher is to remember and rediscover Dionysus in himself, the Monad united with the superior principles. Through this monadic purity one hopes to touch the purity of the transcendent One, of the unspeakable and hidden Amun, deus ineffabilis. The supreme Amun of the late The-ban theology surpasses all human and divine knowledge, veiling himself even before the gods, so that his essence is not known. This ineffable One, however, ‘makes himself into millions’, thus playing the dialectical game of unity and diversity. According to J. Assmann:
This god transcended the world not only with respect to the mysterious hiddenness of his ‘ba-ness’, in which no name could name him and no representation could depict him, but also with respect to the human heart, which was filled with him. He was the hidden god who ‘came from afar’ yet was always present to the individual in the omniscience and omnipotence of his all-encompassing essence. He was not only the cosmos—in Egyptian, the totality of the ‘millions’, and also neheh and djet, ‘plenitude of time’ and ‘unalterable duration’ into which he unfolded himself—but also history.
>Ultimately, the searcher for God and lover of Wisdom is God himself, secretly involved both into 1) a self-disclosure (which actually appears as a magical self-veiling), creative irradiation, manifestation, descent of the soul, and 2) reintegration, redemption, deconstructive unveiling, liberation. As Damascius relates:
When Dionysus had projected his reflection into the mirror, he followed it and was thus scattered over the universe. Apollo gathers him and brings him back to heaven, for he is the purifying God and truly the savior of Dionysus (kathartikos on theos kai tou Dionusou soter hos alethos: In Phaed. I.129.1–4).
>However, the soul is never united with the gods as an individual: through awareness and recollection it moves from particularity to universality, from plurality to unity, and, strictly speaking, this is not the individual’s journey but the journey of Dionysus, the cosmic drama of Osiris, imitated at all levels of being.


>> No.15745629 [View]
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fuck off
No, there's a 2 page "intro" to every dialogue but hte notes within each are scarce.
Timaeus should be the last dialogue you read, literally.
If you want a REAL man's annotated version, read Proclus' Commentary

>> No.15653437 [View]
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Not him but that's the point.
He is paradoxical, things we know yet things we know that seemingly go against other things we know. God is Inefffable because we know antithetical things of Him, and that he is still yet more than his intelligible Light.

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