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>> No.19087246 [View]
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This me again, but now im not phone posting so ill actually write about what I know.

No Idea who that is, but he seems cool Ill check him out.

Physiognomy or physiognomics as a concept is not new at all and has been used for thousands of years. Within Indo European Society we can find some of the first uses of physiognomy as proof of parenthood. Blue eyes being a recessive trait meant that those who had blue eyes most likely had parents that both had blue eyes thus if you were a father and your son had brown eyes and you blue you were getting cucked and should kill your child. It was not just blue eyes themselves that mattered, but also what they meant for hidden traits.

Will not immediately recognizable traits such as IQ or Bravery could be identified using the visible traits that the father or mother had and because the High IQ people married each other to form the aristocracies then a quick division could be made. Thus it isnt the traits themselves that make you intelligent, of great will, but what they represent genetically, and this is not a new concept scientifically (im not gonna cite anything because i dont feel like it) but political allegiance, caste, IQ, and more can be determined by the face alone.

Because these traits do exist it isnt just a purely instinctual effort in identifying a face like Schopenhauer would have you believe though he is right about what elements of the face to pay attention to namely eyes and jaw. They are something that can be measure, but as with everything trust your gut instinct if anything troubles you and you will not be wrong.

I've attached a picture with certain elements that detail the thirds of the face, jaw outlines, eye placement, brow prominence, and nose shape. Study it for yourself and try to guess what it means.

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