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>> No.20519099 [View]
File: 33 KB, 800x844, 800px-Square_compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend some reliable books to redpill me on the masons? I know E. Michael Jones talks about them a lot, but surprisingly none of his books seem to cover them specifically.

Not interested in apologetics btw

>> No.14106816 [View]
File: 34 KB, 800x844, Gesus, Area 51 Pilate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did Jesus have free will?
Of course. Duh just like Everyone.
>He was sinless [snip]
Nope, guilty Of a lot of Things.
>[snip]why can’t we be like Jesus?
You can be like me anytime.
>[snip] then why do I still fail?
Sin, Cosin, Tan, study geometry.
>Why can no one be perfect like him?
You're your own worst enemy.
Another satisfied customer.

>> No.13098365 [View]
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Is Masonry just LARPing boomers that do charity work or is it actually in possession of great knowledge? Please recc me books on the topic as some of the claims people make about Masonry seem incredibly underwhelming. Guenon said it was in posession of the primordial tradition, yet once again, I fail to see how this would be the case. He fails to provide much evidence for it either.

>> No.10547212 [View]
File: 34 KB, 800x844, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason I am not posting this on the politically incorrect board of 4chan is because I would like genuinely high quality books that deal with a similar topic to what I am about to describe. Perhaps you would think I should have posted on /his/, which I did and received no replies.


The last 200 years can essentially be described as a period of wide-spread schizophrenia.

The Enlightenment was not necessarily “orchestrated” by Freemasons and people of the Jewish faith, but the French and American revolutions were largely in their favour and indeed pushed by just these people. The Enlightenment can be seen as a trend in philosophy which challenged the precepts of the then extant Occidental system known generally as Christendom. It is essentially a philosophic system of criticism, as opposed to one of culture and ethics based on the precepts of the Christian doctrine. Enlightenment thought, exemplified politically in the French, American and other revolutions, was largely propped up by Freemasons and people of the Jewish faith. It is essentially a system which seeks to destroy and build anew the old order, leaving behind the culture which was initially spawned by Christian civilisation. The American revolution has an economic history of battle between reactionaries and a series of Jewish banking cabals, whose battle ended with the civil war and whose world we now live in. Everywhere we find “Conservatism”- simply another point on the spectrum of Judaeo-Masonic thought.The Fascist ideologies were also deeply Liberal [in its non-colloquial sense] in philosophy. But the Hitlerian system was a paradox- it essentially opposed the Judaeo-Masonic order through the use of a some what Judaeo-Masonic system. There was some attempt to rekindle the battle against banking interests in Italy, but it largely failed. It is said that Pound was the last poet in the Ovidian tradition and indeed perhaps he was the last bastion of Classicism against the four forces of Christendom, Liberalism, Marxism and Anarchist theory.

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