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>> No.1970158 [DELETED]  [View]
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>It isn't humorous. What is amusing about it?

that's a real fucking neat-o opinion you have there kiddo.

>> No.1943862 [View]
File: 260 KB, 381x378, babby got swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller or Detective
Characteristics: Quiet, cautious, meticulous, responsible, strong and silent type
Good occupations: Administrators, inspectors, researchers
Acronym: I Save Things Judiciously
Half empty or half full? “It’s half empty now and it wouldn’t surprise me if it dried up completely.”
Motto: “I do everything right”

ESTJ - The Guardian or Overseer
Characteristics: Friendly, realistic, analytical, organized, very driven and enthusiastic
Good occupations: Executives, analysts, managers
Acronym: Execution Saves The Job
Half empty or half full? “Hey! Whose job was it to fill up this glass?”
Motto: “I am in control”

ISFJ - The Nurturer or Defender
Characteristics: Cautious, hard-working, thoughtful, careful, very dedicated to causes and relationships
Good occupations: Health care technicians, accountants, customer service representatives
Acronym: I Serve Family Joyfully
Half empty or half full? “I bet my friend would like to have some water right now…”
Motto: “Nobody can get along without me”

ESFJ - The Caregiver or Loyalist
Characteristics: Talkative, practical, empathetic, decisve, very harmonious
Good occupations: Counselors, coaches, nurses
Acronym: Extra Special Friendly Joiner
Half empty or half full? “I can’t believe someone would leave this dirty glass out here! Clean up this mess right now!”
Motto: “Everyone likes me and wants to be like me”

ISTP - The Mechanic or Artisan
Characteristics: Independent, practical, realistic, adaptable, very skillful with tools
Good occupations: Programmers, operators, pilots
Acronym: I See The Problem
Half empty or half full? “So? It’s water. Big deal!”
Motto: “I can make anything work”

>> No.1935695 [View]
File: 260 KB, 381x378, babby got swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>debating with a trifag is useless
dat mass retarded generalisation

>as they often provide flawed reasoning and claim that they are victorious.
all dem posts on green oval you're linking me too as proof

>Plus, you're blatantly buttmad. Your posts reek with the ripe smell of cock.
lolollolo lmao u lookin in da mirror or smthin lolol u little fag ur butthole is gapin coz of all day anal seepage bcoz i just raeped u with my swagmonsta dick whcih went in ur butthole and gave u AIDS but i dnt have aids coz my swag is liek an anti virus lolololol lmao u big n00bl3t


>> No.1913022 [View]
File: 260 KB, 381x378, babby got swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine for a moment you're in a room filled with people. Many (perhaps all) of these people are taking a gigantic shit on the carpet of the room. The room smells terrible, and the stench is making you wretch and choke. The air is thick with the smell of digested food, and you can't move, because the floor is covered in a think layer of human excrement.

Now, a Tripfag appears, people know his name. He walks to the centre of the room, removed his pants and squats. A solid mass of faeces slides slowly out of his anus. It makes a wet thud as it hits the ground.

The room falls silent, in a mixture of disgust and shock, someone speaks. "What the fuck!? That bastard just took a dump in our room"

Another says "What do you think you're doing, shitting all over our room?

The whole room joins in, insulting and abusing the Tripfag for shitting in their room. And all this time not a single person stops defacating for even a single second.

it's a metaphor

>> No.1896104 [View]
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>dat name field

>> No.1889737 [View]
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>freudian slip
>Popularisation of the term has resulted in its being applied to any slip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, often in an attempt by the user to humorously assign hidden motives or an air of sexual innuendo to the mistake. This has brought about a dilution of the original technical meaning, with the word "Freudian" being applied to interpretations and explanations that have no essential connection with genuine psychoanalytic thought.

>> No.1880937 [View]
File: 260 KB, 381x378, babby got swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1870038 [View]
File: 260 KB, 381x378, babby got swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinks i was referring to /co/
>sages the thread then comes back for more

you in love with me or smthin faggit?

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