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>> No.20144165 [View]
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God, anon, why

I would say you need to read more smaller books to cover the wide complexity of first century christianity. Some of which:
- Coulianu's Tree of Gnosis
- Mansel's Gnostic Heresies
- Stoyanov's The Other God for a more hardcore multireligios map
and for the early/ middle ages:
- Steve Runciman's Medieval Manichee (great read)

Also, try to read wiki articles from here and there on various movements/concepts to mindmap. For oriental topics, read on encyclopedia Iranica. For Neoplatonism, IEP

>> No.16312854 [View]
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>i am not obliged to write in a lesser language

Very based

>> No.14955290 [View]
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start with the pagan greeks end with the greek fathers.

>> No.14823488 [View]
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>I have read the major works of Ancient Greeks, Romans, Medievals, Hindus, Buddhists, Daoists, Moderns, Postmoderns, etc. Insofar as I have read so far
Why you sleeping on the #1 religio-philosophs? asian/indian philosophies are pushed by normie libshits and MK-ULTRA psyop jews.
Get red pilled by the TRUTH aka orthodox christianity aka based God bros. Fuck your eastern enlightenment (aka nihilistic solipsism and self-worship ego glorification) and learn about your NOUS so you can attain divine THEOSIS and live the blessed life.

>> No.11214709 [View]
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>yet the dogma of religion can regress progress
the dogma of religion gives man a transcendent target to progress towards, and if the religion is good it gives you a method for purification so humans can live a dignified life , whereas "enlightened humanism" gives man no higher target so people are chained to the material, they form idols of transient things, they become degenerate and call it "freedom"

> free of dogma based on rationalism
without concrete, immutable metaphysical principles rationalism has no content and can turn you into a psychopath or a suicidal nihilist

>> No.11029836 [View]
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Question three. Forget it. Biblical literalism is for retards, whether they be Christians, atheists, or... eghhh... gnostics.

>> No.11022690 [View]
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He fucked his brain with the occult. All he had to do was stop being a Nietzschwit and take his tacit Orthodoxy seriously and he could have avoided this.

>> No.10938298 [View]
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Theology has been corrupt since the establishment of the Catholic church.

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