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>> No.16792380 [View]
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What's perhaps most interesting about the physiology of any woman being raped is how her intense fear and instincts to survive will wrench shut her anal sphincters and make flatulence nearly impossible. Ask any of the Gastroenterology specialists at Harvard Medical School: if a woman does not consent to sex, you may hear expulsion of air from the vaginal cavity but never flatus. Evolution has crafted the smooth muscle tissues of women's sphincters anticipating the likelihood of an errant or non-consensual phallus or finger attempting penetration. Only thirty years ago, it was common for physicians to prescribe phallic vaginal stimulation to patients who needed help expelling their sulfurous and methanous digestive byproducts. The "Baltzar Wand" was a Swedish device invented to help physicians and staff probe and exercise the vagina to expel "air" trapped in the intestines, but only under the patient's transparent willingness to receive this intimate treatment. A simple tool, the Baltzar Wand consists of a phallus on the end of a meter-long wooden dowel, about the width of a quarter. So long as your female patient is consenting, a few minutes of rapid thrusting will release a noisy torrent of pent-up flatus and provide a great relief. With the patient supine and her feet in stirrups, there's many techniques for applying pressure with the Wand, with some caregivers jutting upwards towards the patient's abdomen, like they were churning a strange type of butter. Others opt for more downward direction, jabbing the wand into the hind of her pelvis like they were chopping ice or maybe playing the Canadian sport of Curling. But for any of these antiquated procedures to work, the woman must completely consent or else she'll emit nary a peep! This seemingly trivial fact of human biology has powerful implications for police investigating sexual assault, because reports of flatulence during any sexual act may mean something unusual is afoot, but it's most certainly not rape.

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