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>> No.11640922 [View]
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>God's no joke for Augustine.
indeed he is not. but that aspect - grace - is just so important. look at carl schmitt, for instance. he unironically believed in the antichrist, and found a role for the state in preventing this. but that is what happens with a kind of theological response to modernity.


complex stuff. and it seduced heidegger too, or for a while, anyways. and that's why it's best, perhaps, to bear in mind what >>11640564 was alluding to, perhaps. theopolitics are dangerous things. and it was a distinction that augustine was highly alert to, i think, with his carefully worked-out notion of saeculum. he was having ideas about these relations of church and state, laity and clergy, the world and the kingdom that are way more nuanced than i had thought. usually when i encounter a writer or philosopher i find i tend to get comfortable with them fairly quickly, but augustinian theology really requires a deep dive.

i also wanted to post this, because i never noticed it on wikipedia before. a kind of rare cultural Steam Achievement, this. once you get this on your wikipedia entry you're in rarefied air.

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