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>> No.17866833 [View]
File: 41 KB, 743x633, 10year_compound_interest_table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Churchill supported Kolchak (white russia - who was controlled opposition - similar to trump) which was a setup to get all the whites who dared to oppose killed. But yes, bankers want nations to fight each other.

It's more of a boom and bust cycle. It goes roughly like this:

1. Usury - Make loans with compound interest -> economy booms, middle class forms
2. Inflation - Make additional loans because debtor cant even pay the interest on the first loan (or just print money to pay back loans)
3. Deflation - Take the money/commodity out of circulation by hording commodities and calling in loans
4. Disposses people if they cant pay back the loan/interest (through taxes / foreclosures).
5. Then:
- Mass Immigration: Sell foreclosed property to unsuspecting foreigners to start the cycle again,
- Force disposessed people into slavery and make them compete with immgrant workers
- drive disposessed people into military and make war to capture wealth of another nation and profit from war loans to both sides of the conflict.
6. At this point there is usually a war. Then the cycle starts again.
- losing side has to pay back massive loans and reparations and has it's wealth looted by the winner who has to give it to the bankers to pay back his own war loans.

The US is at (2) atm.

- Loan out 2 baskets of grain and expect to get 3 back. It's arithmetical fraud. There are only 2 baskets of grain in existence.
- The FED prints and loans out 2 trillion dollars and expects to get 3 trillion dollars debt+compound interest back 10 years later. It's impossible. There are only 2 trillion dollars in existence. -> FED prints more money. More debt. It's exponential as you can see on the chart. It's simply fraud.

This is how money lenders own the world (eventually). And the jews started it. Only the most ruthless money lender will come out on top.

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