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>> No.13763117 [View]
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The answer is divine superabundence. See pic.

>> No.13634379 [View]
File: 84 KB, 1000x1500, Neoplatonism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kabbalah is a mouthful of Neoplatonism digested and excreted with gallons of matzo ball soup. Anything good comes from Neoplatonism and you're better off going back to that rather than trying to scrap off all the shit to find the few pearls the pigs ate.

If the magic side interests you then go back to the Greek Magical Papayri, which is the source material that preceeds all the Kabbalah garbage.

>> No.12515387 [View]
File: 84 KB, 1000x1500, Perl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Christian Neoplatonism.

>> No.12479156 [View]
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Best introduction to Plotinus, Proclus, and Dionsysus.

>> No.12473392 [View]
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Start here. Neoplatonism is philosophy's final completion of metaphysics.

>I just wanna know what the world is, who or what I am, why the world exists.
Creative act of divine superabundance by the overflowing of God.
>Is our world a representation or a revelation of something metaphysical?
Our world is the realm of becoming where real forms are mixed with non-being in material particulars subject to the flow of time. Material particulars are a mimesis of forms that proceed from the realm of forms (i.e. ideas in the mind of God) and which material particulars return to as their purpose or end cause/telos in becoming like the form they partake in.
>Are metaphysics real?
Yes, forms are realer than material particulars because they are perfect and exist outside of time and space, whilst all material particulars are by nature imperfect and subject to generation and corruption in a realm subject to the flow of time.
>What does even real mean?
Having beinghood.
>Is everything just matter and/or energy?
Only material particulars as in as far as they are material (material particulars qua material). Ideas/forms are neither, they exist outside of time and space. The formula for a circle, or numbers, do not need matter or energy to exist for example.
>Is humanity just an accident in the chaos of the cosmos?
No a creation of providence. Universe is further governed by long lists of formal causes i.e. the fundamental laws & particles of physics, and is not formless chaos.
>My life is just a flash in the eternal void?
There is no void, only more or less distance from an inescapable God.
>Am I gonna die without knowing what the fuck happened?
It's possible.
>What books should I read if want to understand the world?
Start with pic and a Greek philosophical dictionary.

>> No.12418743 [View]
File: 84 KB, 1000x1500, 71QiMw7qPiL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd benefit from a grounding in Neo-Platonism. The process of procession of form into particulars, and the return of particulars to form. Eric Perl is the best introduction.

>> No.11707048 [View]
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Source of Forms needing to be beyond Form
Source of Being needing to be beyond Being

>> No.11702526 [View]
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Christian Neoplatonism, see pic.

>> No.11652113 [View]
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>What's your idea of God?

>> No.11649986 [View]
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Unfolding and enfolding from the superabudence of the ineffable One that exists beyond Being and Form. Eric Perl gives an excellent concise treatment of the ontology of the One in his book Theophany, which deals heavily with Proclus in the context of Dionysius.

Compared to the Christian Platonists Proclus offers a more sophisticated (or complex) intermediary ontology between the One and the material world. A good modern introduction is All From One: A Guide to Proclus by Oxford UP:

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